Heaven’s messages for our times
Do not despise the words of prophets,
but test everything;
hold fast to what is good...
(1 Thessalonians 5:20-21)

Why this website?
With the death of the last Apostle, Public Revelation ended. All that is necessary for salvation has been revealed. However, God has not ceased to speak to His creation! The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries” (n. 66). Prophecy is God’s eternal voice, continuing to speak through His messengers, whom the New Testament calls “prophets” (1 Cor 12:28). Can anything God say be unimportant? We don’t think so either, which is why we created this website: a place for the Body of Christ to discern credible voices of prophecy. We believe the Church needs this gift of the Holy Spirit more than ever—a light in the darkness—as we countdown to the coming of Christ’s Kingdom.
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Medjugorje – Give Me Your Hearts Cleansed in Confession…
Manuela – Through the celebration of the Holy Mass and through your prayers…
Luisa – Water, Fire, and Blood
The Labor Pains
Several mystics have spoken of a time of great tribulation that is coming over the earth. Many have compared it to a storm like a hurricane.
The Warning, the Reprieve, and the Miracle
There have been major “before” and “after” events in biblical history that have changed the course of human life on Earth. Today, another momentous change may be upon us in the near future, and the vast majority of people know nothing of it.
The Divine Doors
Understanding the Door of Mercy and the Door of Justice during the Eye of the Storm...
The Day of the Lord
The Day of the Lord is not a twenty-four hour day, but according to the Church Fathers,
a period of time when the earth will be purified and the saints will reign with Christ.
Time of Refuges
The Church will be reduced in its dimensions, it will be necessary to start again...
Divine Chastisements
With the Warning and Miracle now behind humanity, those who refused to pass through the "door of Mercy" must now pass through the "door of justice."
The Reign of the Antichrist
Sacred Tradition affirms that, at the end of an era, a certain man whom St. Paul calls “the lawless one” is expected to rise as a false Christ in the world, setting himself as an object of worship...
The Three Days of Darkness
We must be frank: spiritually and morally speaking, the world is in a state far worse than it has ever experienced before in history.
The Era of Peace
This world will soon experience the most glorious golden era it has ever seen since Paradise itself. It is the Coming of the Kingdom of God, wherein His Will shall be accomplished on earth as in Heaven.
The Return of Satan’s Influence
The Church teaches that Jesus, indeed, will return in glory and that this world, as we know it, will come to a screeching halt. Yet this will not occur before a fierce, cosmic battle in which the enemy will make his final bid for world domination...
The Second Coming
Sometimes the 'Second Coming' is a reference to the imminent events distinct from Christ's physical, visible, and literal coming in the flesh at the end of time—the Warning, the initiation of the Era, etc.—and other times the 'Second Coming' is a reference to the Last Judgement and Eternal Resurrection commenced upon His physical coming at the End of Time.

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Spiritual practices and protection for yourself and your loved ones.
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Our Contributors
Christine Watkins
MTS, LCSW, Catholic speaker, best-selling author, CEO and founder of Queen of Peace Media.
Daniel O’Connor
Daniel O’Connor is a professor of philosophy and religion for a State University of New York (SUNY) Community College.