Luz – The Projects for the Extermination…

Message of St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 21, 2024:

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you by Divine Will.

Humanity succumbs in the midst of struggles, of petty interests. You are facing a war that will not take place as in the past, but in this time of technological prominence, you will suffer the effects of misused science.

And you children… you… where is your heart? In the mundane, at this time when the planet is in danger?

Where are your thoughts? On material things, or on the Holy Trinity and on Our Queen and Mother? Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, be strict with yourselves. Be human beings in search of the good. Live in adoration. Prostrate yourselves before the Holy Trinity, and let that prostration become action through your works and deeds of every moment, in the sole interest of bringing good to your brothers and sisters.

Prostrating oneself out of respect or supplication before the One and Triune God is not a momentary act. Prolong this act in continuous adoration. Enliven your faith; it should not be asleep, or tired, or weakened. Your faith should constantly give light, and it is the responsibility of every human being to possess the best oil so that faith does not weaken.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, this moment is crucial for humanity. The soldiers of the devil advance like sand in the desert, hardening hearts, weakening unbelievers, so that their acts are contrary to the Law of God, contrary to the sacraments, contrary to the Beatitudes, contrary to all that the First Commandment of the Law of God dictates. At this time, good is censured as evil, and evil is applauded and highlighted, as if evil were now the right thing to do.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you must be persevering. Take steps toward eternal life. Every child of God is called to save his or her soul (cf. Mt. 16:26-28), and that call is for each one of you.

Our King and Lord Jesus Christ rejoices before His people, which you form, and at the same time, His Sorrowful Passion is constantly present before so many children who deny His divinity (cf. Heb. 1:5-6; Jn. 1:14). They point to His doctrine as invalid and mock Him as they did in the past.

Darkness, children, darkness… darkness that is scattered over the earth to ensnare those who are lukewarm. “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:15-16).

They live in the midst of the hardness of man himself, of the vainglory of those who possess power on earth, in all aspects of life.

The drums of war are ceasing to sound in the face of the war that advances (1) and the evil that prolongs the suffering of the children of God; they are ceasing to sound and are now replaced by the roar of the impact of combat weapons, the missiles in the possession of some countries, and the projects for the extermination of part of the world’s population.

Darkness children, darkness… not only because of the great blackout (2), or because of the darkness of evil, but darkness in the souls that offend Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, that criticize and humiliate Him… darkness in the souls that offend the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth… the darkness of human obstinacy, of human blindness, of human error.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, do not fear; trust in divine protection for His children—keep it in mind! Prepare yourselves and leave the rest in divine hands. Do not think that you should not prepare, even if you have the assurance of divine protection. You should always prepare.

Prepare yourselves, spiritually: be observant of the Commandments, be merciful, comply with the divine mandates, and listen to the Word of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ embodied in the Holy Scriptures, which you cannot change.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for yourselves, that you may keep the faith firm.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for the political and social uprisings in Spain, France, England, the United Kingdom, and Germany; the conflicts are born from within them, the invasion is within these countries (3).

Pray children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray and take measures to keep yourselves safe as the war progresses.

Pray children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray that you may be better Christians.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, be sincere, faithful to the Holy Trinity and to Our Queen and Mother. By the Hand of Our Queen and Mother, you will walk without being confused.

Attention, children, attention. Do not fall asleep! The earth shakes. Grow spiritually. Worship the One Triune God.

We stand before you to protect you; be worthy of our protection. Walk without forgetting that you are going to examine your conscience. Walk becoming better every moment. Pray for one another. Help one another.

I bless you children of the Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother.

—St. Michael the Archangel and my heavenly hosts

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

(1) About the Third World War, read…
(2) On the Great Blackout, read…
(3) About Europe, read… 

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters,

Attentive to the Word of St. Michael the Archangel, let us be perpetual adorers of the Holy Trinity and lovers of our Blessed Mother. Let us be more fraternal, let us prepare ourselves for what is coming and for what man, himself, has created. The great blackout arises in the midst of a distracted humanity.

Brothers and sisters, let us be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ and lovers of our Blessed Mother.




Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, World War III.