An extraordinary mystic featured here on Countdown to the Kingdom, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta , continues to receive a deluge of unwarranted attacks. Recently, a popular priest even published a video declaring that her revelations—bearing the nihil obstat from St. Hannibal di Francia and the imprimatur from his Archbishop—are perverse and “diabolical.” Please watch and share Daniel O’Connor’s video response to and refutation of this priest’s claims here.
Several weeks ago, news also broke that the Korean Bishops acted against the Servant of God. Daniel has likewise written a response to their document against Luisa, published here. This free PDF should also prove helpful in introducing Luisa’s writings to those who have concerns about them, therefore it would be beneficial to widely share it even with those who are unaffected by the decree in Korea.
(Note that Countdown to the Kingdom does not in any way encourage disobedience to Church decrees. The decisions of the Korean Bishops, however, have no binding force outside of Korea. Moreover, even within Korea, the faithful are not thereby prevented from reading Luisa’s writings. Only certain Korean Divine Will groups have been prohibited from meeting and certain publications have been restricted within that country.)