Sulema – War is Not Over

Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace to Sulema on January 6, 2024:

The day is coming when all nations will bow down before the Lord. Cross yourself and write, My daughter, covered with the Precious Blood of my divine Son Jesus Christ the Lord. You have just started this year which will be marked by very great events of all kinds. Without the grace that the Holy Spirit will give you, it will be very difficult to go through everything that is at the gates for you.

On this first Saturday of the month, I come to tell you: listen to my Son, do everything He tells you, otherwise you will fall into the traps of evil. The moment has come when your faith will be tested. You will see who is with God and who is against God. Be very vigilant and very careful: you will be in the midst of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and follow the voice of my Son.

Humanity will experience its Calvary, not because the Lord wanted it that way, but because humanity itself has made its choice, so my Son will let you have your way. However, do not be afraid: when the Most Holy Trinity says “enough”, by the Omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit, God the Son will come in the splendor of His Glory. Every living being will see Him, everyone will see their actions, their gestures, their words which have hurt God the Father. See how God the Father has loved you, He who gave you His only Son, how He loves you by giving you the greatest act of His mercy in all the history of humanity, so that everyone might correct their behavior before His justice comes on earth. The day is coming when all nations will bow down before the Lord. Do not leave for tomorrow what you should do today. This year will be very difficult: nature is coming to punish the inhabitants of the earth. Through war, the forces of evil want to destroy a large part of humanity. Pray the Holy Rosary, the Chaplet of [Divine] Mercy, remain in a state of grace. Through prayer you will be in peace and through praise you will be in joy, knowing that we are with you, that St. Michael with all the heavenly host and all the saints will come to your aid. Courage, dear children, be blessed in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Alleluia.

Jesus, January 5, 2024:

Give thanks to the Lord at all times. Cross yourself and write, My daughter, covered with My Precious Blood, for the glory of God My Father.

Here comes the light to dispel the darkness. The light will shine again on the earth and all the inhabitants of the earth will see the splendor of My Glory on that fearsome day of the Warning. Prepare to see what your eyes have not yet seen, to hear what your ears have not heard, for everything must be accomplished before I soon return.

Remain in prayer so as not to be surprised when I arrive, so that I may find you dressed for duty. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment to follow the truth – for My Word will soon be changed – to give you light to follow My steps.

Be very vigilant, keep your lamps burning, meaning your faith, in order to go through this time of darkness when your faith will be tested. Be strong: do not be discouraged at the sight of everything that will happen this year; everything has been told to you so that you would be ready to face all these events.

Entrust yourselves to My Most Holy Mother: you are not orphans. You who follow me, remember that I gave My life on the Cross to open the gate of Paradise for you… On this first Friday of the month and of the year, I place within your hearts strength in trials, peace to welcome all things in the calm and the joy of knowing that you are loved and protected by God our Father. Be blessed in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Alleluia!

Jesus, January 1, 2024: 

May God the Father be gracious to you and bless you. Cross yourself and write, My daughter, covered with My Precious Blood, for the Glory of God My Father.

On this great day of Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, peace be with you. Open your hearts to receive the Holy Spirit on this first day of 2024. Without Him you will not be able to go through all the trials that await you. You will be astonished by everything that you will see and hear throughout this year. The times are fulfilled: you will see the unfolding of the fulfillment of the prophecies. With the Holy Spirit, you will welcome everything in peace. Do not be surprised to see the fury of nature unleashed; war is not over – it will continue to spread and several countries will be affected. Famine will spread everywhere; you will see how water will wash the earth in different ways and fire will continue to purify it.

Pray about all the disasters: you will hear of great earthquakes, because the axis of the earth has moved again… the time will be shortened, as you will see in due course. However, do not be afraid: you who have received the Word of God should meditate on it in your hearts so that It would bear fruit in abundance, for God has blessed you by giving you His only Son – I, the Word of God… Do so today, so that when all these changes come, you will have made provisions in your hearts and will draw strength, truth, light and hope from the treasures hidden deep within your hearts. Prepare for all these changes: prepare in peace, so that you would not fall into the traps of the evil spirits. Pray for your Mother Church, for those who lead her, pray for the priests. Pray for world peace… the worst is yet to come.

Strive to remain silent in order to hear My voice. Do not fear silence, because through noise the Devil distances you from Me, through noise you open your heart to distractions, to judgments, to all kinds of sins that pass through the senses. Pay attention, My children, take My words seriously. Soon you will witness all these events that will be before you. Come to Me, I am waiting for you: take advantage of this very short time of Divine Mercy that you have left. Open your hearts to receive this blessing, which will protect you in this year which has just begun: may the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you, may He keep you in His grace and bring you peace all throughout this year. Be blessed in the Name of the Father + in the Name of the Son + and in the Name of the Holy Spirit. +Amen! Alleluia!

Posted in Messages, Sulema.