Luz – I Have Therefore Called You To Be Like My Mother…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on May 8, 2024:

My beloved children, how I love you, how I love you! You are My dearly beloved children; how I love you! I want each one of you to be impregnated with My love. I have therefore called you to be like My Mother, a source of inexhaustible love, where all souls find relief at all times. Beloved children, nature continues to advance upon the nations, and My children confront me without listening to Me. Even in the midst of their brothers’ pain, human selfishness prevails, seeking to satisfy their worldly desires. Human hearts of stone have no compassion for the suffering of their brothers and sisters.

A cloud has been hanging over the earth; a cloud of evil that attracts contradiction, mistreatment, anxiety, lack of faith, anger, to lead all people, all of them, to make very poor decisions. For this reason you need to remain on spiritual alert (cf. Lk. 21, 34-35; Acts 20:28-31; I Peter 5:8-10). Not listening to My calls and rejecting them, hearts of stone have no compassion for anything until they come before Me out of necessity. My Love is mercy, and at the same time, justice. You need to know this because not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the Will of My Father in Heaven” (Mt. 7:21-23 ).

The times are intensifying, My children; nations will become insecure without wanting to be, and humanity will go mad. Terrorism [1]On terrorism: will take what is not its property, enraging My children and leading them to rise up against one another. They will fall into the trap and within moments will find themselves in the streets, prey to the disorder caused by those who have adhered to evil. My children are being led to rebel [2]Social and racial conflicts:, and they suffer because of this, with their senses being darkened and spreading evil in all forms of human work and action. My Word generates doubts and discord among you, due to the influence of evil, which will persecute those who continue being faithful to Me, and even more so those who do not believe in Me.

Beloved children, conflicts will increase, and humanity, aware of the danger that this means, should prepare itself spiritually and materially by all means possible. The sun [3]The influence of the sun: will continue to cause severe damage to communications, and electricity will be lost in some places.

Pray, My children; pray for your brothers and sisters in Brazil and in all countries of the world where My children suffer greatly due to nature or at the hands of man himself.

Pray, My children; pray for your brothers and sisters in the United States who will suffer.

Pray, My children; pray and make reparation for the sins of the whole world.

Pray, My children, pray; Taiwan will be in the news and will be made to suffer.

Pray, My children; pray for those children of Mine who, by worshipping people who have made pacts with the devil, are led to forget the pain of others.

Pray, My children, pray; the sun will go from being man’s friend to scourging him.

Pray, My children, pray; various countries will be flooded by the sea.

Prayer is very important at the moment, and will be from now on [4]Downloadble booklet of prayers given to Luz de María:, although you must understand that prayer is active, it is not static. You must bring it to life with works and actions in favour of your brothers and sisters. Help one another, be benevolent and understanding in the face of the food shortages that are already being felt in all countries. Evil has become entrenched within humanity. Now you must remove it from humanity through My love until My love is victorious in each of you and My Angel of Peace, with words of eternal life, makes you participants in heavenly joy.

Pay attention, My children, pay attention! Viral diseases [5]About diseases: are spreading rapidly across the earth, with disease becoming more serious each time. My Mother will always accompany you. Without being afraid, continue to be creatures of immovable faith. United in My Cross and in My glory,

Your Jesus

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, in gratitude to Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ for His infinite Love towards us, I invite you all, brothers and sisters, to unite with Our Holy Mother, and like suckling babes, trust in the protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Holy Mother. Let us dedicate to them prayers of praise, with works and actions worthy of God’s children.

Let us pray together:

 Sweet Mother, protection of the helpless,

come with your love to sow peace

in the arid terrain of the human heart.

Help us to be new creatures

in the love of your Divine Son

and follow us, lighting our way,

so that we might see you at all times as our Mother and teacher.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.