Luz – How We Have Warned You . . .

Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 23, 2024:

My beloved children, beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who watches over Her children, I come before you to invite you, once again, to rethink your life[1]Cf. 1 Tim. 4, 16; Eph. 4, 22-24. I invite each one of you to prepare an inner refuge so that your conscience, your actions and works are in accordance with the Will of God, reflected in The Commandments, in the sacraments, in the works of mercy—reflected in each step that My Son took on earth. 

Beloved children, you are in the time of plagues and great diseases that will scourge all mankind, but the worst disease, one with no cure, would be the disease of the rejection of God in the life of every human being. The disease that has no [physical] cure is the one that the human being, with his senses and with his words, pronounces: “I do not believe in God, I do not love Him, and I do not need Him.” That is the worst deadly disease[2]cf. 1 Jn. 1,9. That is why I call you to cleanse yourselves spiritually, to go with quickened steps to the reunion with My Divine Son so that you may ask for forgiveness [the Sacrament of Reconciliation][3]cf. 1 Jn. 1,9.  

Children, regarding the viruses that are going to occur in succession all over the world, you have received from the Father’s House, by Divine Will, the medicines available in nature to combat these diseases. It will be up to My Son if you are use other medicines; but provided are the medicines that We have given you by Divine Will so that you can fight and heal the diseases that are coming and those that are already on Earth at this time, infecting My children. 

When you do not possess oils for the mixture of what is necessary to treat an illness, look for some of the primary plants, and apply them with faith, because if you tell, in faith, a mountain to move, it will move[4]Cf. Mk. 11, 22-23; if you ask, in faith, for My Divine Son to heal you, He will heal you. 

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, pray for the United States. Its soil is going to shake strongly, children. Mexico will suffer strongly from an earthquake of a high magnitude. Pray for the United States, for it will suffer war. Pray, little children, for the whole world. Pray for Chile. Chile will suffer an earthquake of great magnitude. 

How we have warned you, children, and you have not believed! At this time, you will see these warnings come true before your very eyes.    

Pray for the Antilles, my children. Pray, for blood will flow, and they will be shaken strongly by the great earthquake. Pray, my children for South America; blood will flow in several countries. They will suffer before the specter of communism, which will be crushed, and the peoples will soon be liberated. Pray, for a tsunami will come to South America, and My children will suffer from it.  

Pray, my children, pray for France. She will see the blood of her children flowing in the streets, for France has gravely offended God the Father. For a few days, it has been the cradle of the Antichrist, who has sickened the minds of the youth.  

Pray, my children, for Spain is invaded from within. I mourn for it. England will suffer from war. Italy will suffer from war and will be shaken, as the first target of the Antichrist. Russia will suffer, greatly suffer. 

My little children, it is not that the countries I do not name will not suffer, because all will be purified, all will be cleansed—some more than others; but you will feel the war and will live it in the flesh. Pray, my children, for my children of the Ukraine. 

How much pain and suffering a single creature can cause a country! How many innocent people have perished, not only in the Ukraine, but also in Russia; and how many are prepared by the great powers to fight in an instant, with a single call.  

I need, as a Mother, the children of my Son, by praying with the word, with the heart and praying with their deeds, to be lighted candles that are not extinguished. 

I love you all because “I received you all at the foot of the Cross.” I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Blessed Mother keeps us constantly on alert. Our Mother speaks to us so that we may be more of God and less of what is worldly. 

 It is at this difficult time of extreme urgency that the evil one takes advantage of any means to launch his sting against the youth, especially to lead them to be more of the demonic and less of God. But just as Christ conquered death, so evil will be extinguished from the Earth. But not before bringing suffering to mankind, in general, and taking away its spoils of souls.  

Diseases worsen, some created by man and others that come as mutations of previous diseases. Our Mother alerts us and calls us to faith, to fraternity, and mentions the innocent who suffer, giving us an example—Russia and Ukraine, such is the infinite love of Our Queen and Mother. 

Brothers and sisters, let us pray and wait with patience, without going astray; but on the contrary, we know that everything is in God’s hands and that, as His children, if we keep abiding by His Law, His Divine Love will always accompany us. 

United in faith. Amen. 



1 Cf. 1 Tim. 4, 16; Eph. 4, 22-24
2, 3 cf. 1 Jn. 1,9
4 Cf. Mk. 11, 22-23
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.