Luz – Conversion is Urgent

Message of St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 31, 2024:

I come to you by Divine Will. Children of Almighty God, each one of you is a child of God, even if you do not recognize it and do not love Him. 

Each end of the cycle of humanity has been intense in terms of purification: some have experienced it in one way, for example with the Flood[1]cfr. Gen. 7:17-24; and others in another way. This generation of so much progress is being purified through the advances that the powers that be have at this moment, as well as through the power that a group maintains over all of humanity and its decisions, in order to steer its program of domination—all oriented toward the devil’s territory—to make the Church of Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, disappear.  

The plans are to weaken the faith of human beings, especially the Catholic faith, to bring about the denial of Transubstantiation in the Celebration of the Eucharist, and to cause the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ to be orphaned, without a Mother. 

Children of God, in order to remain firm in the faith, you must delve deeply into Holy Scripture, now, so that you will not be deceived or led to become lukewarm, for “the lukewarm will be spewed out of the mouth of God the Father” [2]cft. Rev. 3:15

You still do not understand that faith without works is dead [3]Cft. James 2:14-17. You need to fill your hands and you whole being with good works so that you may produce fruit, bearing new witness to your brothers and sisters. 

Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, not only prayed, but He sought to give bread to the poor, He fed those who were hungry. He multiplied the loaves and fishes so that each one of you might multiply the Divine Word and be a true evangelizer of those who need it. Conversion is urgent so you will be assisted by the Holy Spirit and thus give answers or preach with words of eternal life. 

You live in the midst of new information aimed to alert you and keep you between the “already and not yet.” It is good for you to be informed and not to live like those who do not even know in what times they live. 

Prepare whatever you need because a great suffering for mankind has come through diseases, and another suffering will be from a celestial body [4]A celestial body approaches the earth, read… approaching the earth’s atmosphere, shaking it and causing the dreaded great earthquakes to happen. 

The House of Our Lord and King has warned you that you will experience moments when one country will not be able to assist another because all will have their own grave emergency situations. 

Children of God, entities that have representatives from all or most countries, must remain impartial, and not supply or aggrandize countries that do not possess armaments, as these can inflame very dangerous powers that will take a wrong step, and there will be war in the blink of an eye. 

Pay attention! Be alert to the movements of North Korea, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and others that you know are players in World War III. The movements of the most mentioned nations on Earth must be watched closely. 

Pray children of Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, pray for all humanity suffering from the effects of the elements. Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the serious earthquakes that will occur on Earth. Pray, children of Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, pray for the seriousness of the effects of the sun on the Earth, on technology. [5]Effects of the sun on the earth, read… Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the darkness that is coming to all humanity: the great blackout. [6]Prophecies about the great blackout, read… Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for one another. 

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the time is now. Do not be indifferent to the calls of the Father’s House. Prepare yourselves in spirit and materially, to the best of your ability, and do not forget: The time is now! The moment arrives!—without forgetting the use of medicinal plants and oils for the cure of diseases that are already scourging the Earth and are contagious: like the laboratory-created variant of leprosy… those caused by mosquitoes, which are very detrimental to the health of human beings… diseases caused by rats, most of which are found in large cities… and the reemergence of covid with the developments of this occurrence…  

Prepare yourselves, that united with My Heavenly Hosts, we will defend you from the evil of body and spirit, whenever you desire and are ready to return to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. 

Be prepared, for humanity already knows pain, but not like at this time, never! Pray and consecrate your home to the Sacred Hearts. My Heavenly Hosts and I, commanded by Our Queen and Mother, we stand before humanity to defend and assist you. 

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, St. Michael the Archangel has been precise and clear in giving us this call. We are protected by Our Lord Jesus Christ; we count on the defense of the Heavenly Hosts, and above all, the help of Our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Let us keep in mind that until the last moment of our life, we are fighting for conversion. Therefore, let us not get careless; we are constantly stalked by the enemy of the soul. 

St. Michael the Archangel has mentioned to me that our beloved Angel of Peace looks with great tenderness upon the children of God, and at the same, time looks upon us with great compassion knowing how easy it is for the enemy of the soul to convince man to work and act against God. 

Brothers and sisters, let us cling to Our Blessed Mother. Let us pray, but let us not forget to attend the Celebration of the Eucharist and rejoice in the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Let us take prayer into action, sharing the Word and being love, charity, hope, and increasing faith in our brothers and sisters. 

St. Michael the Archangel, with your sword defend us. Amen. 

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.