Luz – The Earth Will Burn . . .

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 12, 2024:

Beloved children, I love you with eternal Love. I come in search of each one of my children, I do not want you to be lost. You must walk toward freedom so that your soul aspires toward My House and not toward what is sinful. 

At this time, human beings do not aspire toward My House. Instead, they satisfy themselves in what is worldly, in base instincts, in the whims of the flesh, in the search for the unknown, and in what can give them power over their brothers and sisters. For this, they enter into all that is contaminated by the devil. 

Children, you wish to see beyond what the human being can see, initiating the search for powers that only the devil generates to keep you attentive to him and his wickedness, causing you severe spiritual damage. 

Beloved children, what you need is conversion[1]Cf. Acts 3:19; Rev. 3:19. You do not need dates or occult powers to excel. What you need is to convert; and you do not obtain this in a moment. You will be fighting for your conversion until the last breath of your life. 

What is approaching humanity, in general, is so strong and so varied, that walking in conversion is what will give you the necessary strength to continue with faith, and thus attain the help of My House. The diseases that are coming to light are various and easily transmitted, so you will again experience moments like in the past, when homes went from being places of gathering and coexistence to being centers of work. 

Natural disasters continue to be a major scourge for people. New and never-before-seen wind forms will appear, which will destroy entire nations in a few minutes. Water will appear, gushing out of the earth at a moment’s notice, giving no respite. The earth will burn, as if fire descended from heaven. These are critical moments caused by the proximity of what has been prophesied. 

From this date onwards, you will find yourselves in times when what you do not expect will happen. My beloved, you live in the unexpected. Stay alert because communications will be affected, not only because of the sun, but also because of the technological warfare in which you live. The economies of countries will be paralyzed; My children will be greatly affected. There will be no movement in the places dedicated maintaining the nation’s economy. 

My church suffers—suffers and is confused to the point of not being able to differentiate between what is contrary to the faith and what is really Mine. The changes are not long in coming. They are so subtle that they will pass unnoticed by the majority. My Law is one, and it is not subject to men. My Law is unalterable[2]cf. Rom. 10:4.

Maintain inner peace. Visit Me, adore Me, receive Me, know Me, so that you may be able to differentiate between what is Mine and what is not Mine.

Pray, My children, pray for all mankind.

Pray, My children, pray for faith to grow in you.

Pray My children, pray, stay on the right path.

Pray My children, pray that you recognize My Angel of Peace.[3]Read about the Angel of Peace… 

Pray, My children, pray; the moon will soon darken and will impact mankind with its effects. 

Beloved children, war is a product of human selfishness. Prepare yourselves for this sad event. Be assured that I will not allow the Earth to be destroyed by man. Each one of you will have to examine yourselves and judge yourselves. That is why I call you to prepare yourselves spiritually, because The Warning[4]Read about The Warning… is soon.

Stay on My path, be My very Love. The time has come! I love you, I bless you, I protect you with eternal Love. May My blessing in each of you be what you need, at this time, to continue onward without losing faith.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May My peace be in each of you the witness that I dwell in My children.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Lord leads us to be on alert, especially on spiritual alert. We see that both war and some diseases are created by man—all in an effort to win this war between powers for technological supremacy. Brothers and sisters, to remain firm in the faith, we are asked to work for a personal and permanent conversion, in order to avoid being confused and falling into enemy hands. Let us be fraternal and give glory to God forever and ever. Amen. 



1 Cf. Acts 3:19; Rev. 3:19
2 cf. Rom. 10:4
3 Read about the Angel of Peace…
4 Read about The Warning…
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.