Luz – Peace Hangs by a Thread

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 16, 2024:

My beloved children, I bless you and love you with Eternal Love.

Beloved children, everything has already been said by My House! Humans must take responsibility and act; the future We have warned you so much about depends on it. The great ingredient that you have forgotten is obedience. 

Children, you have given yourselves over to Satan. You have erected temples in his name. You find yourselves surrendering to the clutches of the Antichrist[1]About the Antichrist, read… and allowing him to teach you. 

Do not wait, be converted. Conversion must be today! You will be tempted to the point of exhaustion, subject to the orders of the elite, and you will long for freedom in every aspect—freedom that you will not be able to live. 

Children, to be calm is not to stay away from the calls with which We warn you, nor to continue without interest concerning the challenges you face at this time. To be calm, children, is not to despair, but to trust in Me and in My Most Holy Mother, Queen and Mother of Humanity. 

Humanity is endangered in the face of war, which is at times negotiated with false peace. This indifferent generation is living in the hubbub of its great “ego,” without looking around it, in a time when peace hangs by a thread. 

Beloved children, be keepers of The Commandments, be persevering in faith. “I am your God. I am the first and the last; there is no God besides Me” (cf. Is. 45:5). Unbelievers, how much suffering you bring upon yourselves! 

Water continues to scourge the whole planet unexpectedly. The winds are stronger, the volcanoes are activated, and the earth is shaking strongly. The signs on high do not stop, and still, you do not believe. The moon looks slightly darkened, a harbinger of the darkness that is coming to human beings[2]About the moon, read…. In October you will see the ring of fire, and on earth the Ring of Fire shudders. 

Dear children, you are My beloved. The man of science creates what he will use. I announce what will come to Earth. I announce it, not so you may fear, but so you may prepare yourselves: you must strengthen your faith and nourish it so you can resist evil (cf. Heb. 11:6). 

Know My Word so that you will not be deceived. Know Me so that you will be certain about how I work and act, and about how the devil works and acts. (cf. Jn. 5: 39-40) 

Children, I call you to keep yourselves spiritually prepared. Come to Me children, be reconciled, participate in the Celebration of the Eucharist, and receive Me properly prepared. 

Pray, My children, pray for My Church, pray continuously.

Pray, My children, pray for one another: sickness spreads.

Pray, My children: pray for England; it suffers.

Pray, My children: pray for the suffering people in Venezuela.

Pray, My children: pray for the people of Nicaragua.

Pray, My children: pray for My children of Romania; Romania suffers.

Pray, My children, pray for Poland: they are led to suffer. 

Beloved children, without fear, but with fervent love, continue to be attentive to the help of St. Michael the Archangel, of St. Raphael the Archangel, and of St. Gabriel the Archangel. Pray to your Guardian Angel to establish a close relationship. 

As your God, I invite you to pray[3]Prayer Book, download…, to fast, to feel with a heart of flesh. The enemy of the soul draws closer to you. He desires to increase his spoils. Do not allow it; be more My children and less worldly. 

Love My Holy Mother as a “Vessel of Devotion.” My Mother takes you by her hand, and as a teacher, she guides you toward working and acting in My Will (cf. Jn. 2: 4-10). Walk hand in hand with My Mother. 

I bless you. I leave you My peace. 

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, We see clearly in this divine call that Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, deciphers for us, one by one, what is going to happen, without the need to call each event by its name. 

Brothers and sisters, Our King and Lord, Jesus Christ, grants me the following vision: 

I see several world leaders gathered together. The word peace resounds in their mouths, but not in their hearts—although I sensed fear in most of them in the face of war. I see them shake hands and declare themselves friends and allies, while in another moment, I saw some of them converse, as if in hiding, and accept some alliances contrary to their current allies. This war will not be like the previous ones. There will be disputes, friends and enemies, which will complicate the Dantesque scenario of a current war. 

The sky appears, and I see fire falling. The earth burns in several places, one of them is Rome. I realize that they are bombs falling from planes attacking specific places. 

I see the immorality with which they want to enter into the minds of children to corrupt them, and it is unheard of. Jesus tells me: “Daughter, you will see and experience more [evil] in this generation, which has surpassed the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah. My Sacred Heart is in great pain. There is a need for people to pray and reparation for souls.”

I see Our Mother pouring graces onto the people who pray and make reparation for all mankind. In tragic moments, Our Mother showers spiritual blessings upon those who practice what they have professed: love and devotion, respect and fidelity to her Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Immediately, Choirs of Angels adore before the Trinitarian Throne, and the Holy Spirit showers graces and virtues on countless people who keep the faith. 

In the midst of what a world war means, we possess the blessings the infinite love of the Holy Spirit poured out upon His children. 

Brothers and sisters, all is not lost. Even in the last instant of life, we can be converted. God is love and forgiveness, and a Just Judge. 

Brothers and sisters, without losing hope of attaining eternal life, of enjoying heaven in advance, we go forth with courage and faith toward Christ, toward Our Blessed Mother, without stopping, certain that God is God, and we are His children.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.