Manuela – A Great Deception Will Come

St. Padre Pio to Manuela Strack in Sievernich, Germany on September 9, 2024

Beloved of the Lord, show yourselves worthy of being children of God! Remain steadfast in the faith, even if you are left in confusion. I also remained steadfast and I pray for you by God’s throne that the Lord would grant you steadfastness in the faith. Love the Lord and Mary the Mother of God, because without love you will not be able to remain steadfast! Pray to Saint Michael the Archangel! Ask for grace and mercy and fall on your knees before your God!

The confusion will become great. But remember that the saints of heaven are praying for you. Remain obedient to the teaching of the Church – then the Lord will welcome you with open arms.

A great deception will come. Do not rely on those who should know better. Rely on the Holy Scripture and on your fathers in the faith of the Church. This time was announced long ago, dear children of the Lord, and it should not frighten you! The Lord and the dear Mother of God, the angels and saints are taking care of you. It is important that you support one another and pray, that you live in the sacraments of the Holy Church. I am waiting for you in all the confessionals of the world! There is only one who does not want you to purify your souls.

Posted in Manuela Strack, Messages.