Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on December 10, 2024:
Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I send you my maternal love. Each of you has my blessings, my intercession, my continuous protection. I am your mother, and I am helping you at all times; I never forsake you. Beloved children, conversion must occur now within each person; you must not wait—the time is now, not another time.
Dark clouds have come to most countries with deceptive words, and my children have fallen into error by embracing modern trends that distance them from my Divine Son. Great suffering awaits my children; the elements continue to scourge humanity—water, wind, fire, and Earth, which, as if it were hollow, will continue to collapse everywhere. The air laden with ambition and pride has made my children sick, leading them to fight for territories which belong to others, with brothers confronting each other like great enemies. This is what the evil one wants, that my children would fall into his clutches and not get up.
Today’s war is a threat to all humanity; not only to the countries involved, but to all humanity. I invite you to pray at all times. I call you to look at yourselves and change your works and actions. I invite you to a radical change regarding your ego, your character, your behavior towards your brothers and sisters. This change is urgent so that you would belong more to my Divine Son and less to what you have been carrying, which leads you to find neither peace nor love, imposing yourselves on your brothers and sisters (cf. Rom. 12:16; Eph. 4:1-3). This generation is fading in the shadows that distance them from my Divine Son, tasting what is not divine, but diabolical. How they will suffer at the time of The Warning! How I grieve over this, grieve over their disobedience!
Pray, my children, pray; provocations on one side and another will lead to the use of nuclear weapons. Prepare yourselves, children of my Divine Son. Prepare yourselves spiritually.
Pray, my children, pray; Argentina will be surprised; its soil will be forcefully shaken.
Pray, my children, pray; the soil of Brazil will be shaken.
Pray, my children, pray; the soil of Australia will be shaken.
Pray, my children, pray; the ground will shake forcefully in Japan.
Pray, my children, pray; Earth groans at man’s folly.
Pray, my children; the sun will cause my children to suffer.
Beloved children, I am your Mother, and I call you to pray for all humanity.
My children, this celebration of the birth of my Divine Son will be different; peace on earth will not be peace. I carry you in my maternal Heart. Be conformed to my Divine Son. Be love as my Divine Son is love. I bless you, little children, I bless you.
Mother Mary
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Commentary of Luz de María
Brothers and sisters, in this message, our beloved Mother calls us to conversion in the midst of the folly of the human race, which accepts evil and scorns her Divine Son. We are called to discernment, and she calls us to be more spiritual, given that, as she tells us, dark clouds have reached all countries and that the air contaminated by ambition and pride has made the human race sick with its ego, forgetting that a brother is a brother, fighting against one another. We are living in a time when, as a generation, we are growing pale amidst the shadows of wickedness, being like corpses in the face of evil; everything goes unnoticed, and there is no reaction to the machinations of the devil.
Brothers and sisters, how often Our Mother has called us to conversion, yet we believe that the call is for others and not for us! Each person individually must seize this call to change ourselves in order to walk towards conversion. The call is a personal one; it is not for others. Let us not continue being deaf and blind. Let us not be foolish, let us respond to Our Mother and let us continue with faith on the journey that leads us to safe harbor. Our Mother allowed me to see the Earth and showed me revolts in various countries. I saw deformed human beings with shocking features representing spiritual deformities; this was explained to me by Our Mother. The darkened earth without any light—in total darkness, represents the possession that the devil has taken of human beings. But not everything is bad. Our Mother allowed me to see a faithful remnant, souls that were heard all over the Earth, worshipping the Triune God, praying with faith and with contrite hearts. I could see these people who, worshipping the Most Holy Trinity, were joining in unison with angelic choirs that remain on Earth, guarding those people who worship and who do not wish to fall forever into the eternal lake of fire.
I was allowed to see how these worshiping souls form small lights that, little by little, are looking at each other on Earth, and from one moment to the next, the Earth has such lights that allow us to see that the Earth is not the possession of evil, but that good still exists; good souls give love to their neighbors and speak to them of Our God. Some human beings emerge in the midst of the darkness, and the angels change their clothes, which are fetid with sin, for clean ones. Then Our Mother tells me: “My daughter, this is the power of believing that God is God, and you are His creatures. This is the humility of knowing that for God, there are no impossibilities. Come and let us call those who live in darkness to return to the right path; it is never too late for brothers and sisters to minister to one another.” Brothers, God is merciful and we have Our Blessed Mother who loves us and intercedes for us. Let us thank God for this and let us be different— more bearable. Let us give thanks for life and may we consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Hearts. This is necessary.