Luz – You Are On the Threshold of the Great Purification…

Message of Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on March 6, 2025:

Dearly beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come by Divine Will. Every human being is called in this Lent especially to be love – not only during these forty days, but for the rest of your life. Love is the measure of the true Christian. Love comes to us given by God. For human beings, love holds back sin, holds back envy, stops bad thoughts, stops the desire for revenge, eliminates greed, because love puts aside and crushes works contrary to the Divine Will; therefore be love and “the rest will be added unto you” (cf. Mt. 6, 33-34).

As Prince of the Heavenly Host, I invite you to pray for yourselves so that you would remain faithful to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. At this moment, war is closer, when it seems far away and peace seems near.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray that human carelessness would not cause the third world war [1]About the Third World War:….

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray that in this time of Lent, every human being would feel the burning desire in their heart to truly belong to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray as the fervent children that you are; pray that the wiles of the devil would not penetrate within you; otherwise, you will be part of the rebellion; otherwise, you will be among those who will emerge from their own ashes to join the ranks of the Antichrist.

Pray, children of faith; pray that at all times there would be peace and the desire for good among brothers, given that the allies of the Antichrist are already moving great powers and your little brothers and sisters so that they would be a stumbling block and so that you would deny Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, denying and rejecting Our Queen and Mother and therefore becoming allies of the hordes of the Antichrist.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, every day you are closer to examining yourselves at the time of the Warning [2]The Great Warning of God (downloadable booklet)…. The pain and laments of those who have not lived according to the Divine Will will be heard throughout the universe. Continue to be firm and faithful, do not allow the enemy of the soul to deceive you, and learn to live loving your neighbor and living in inner silence. It is hard for humanity, but you are on the threshold of the great purification; you must therefore change now in order to be strengthened and nourished by the love of the Body and Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is like God? There is none like God! I bless you, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I have asked permission from Our King and Lord Jesus Christ to bless your sacramentals, especially the Rosary that each one of you has, and I bless it as Prince of the heavenly legions so that your faith would not fail. I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel calls us to be witnesses to divine love by being love. We are called to look beyond when we are told: “especially this Lent”, emphasizing that during this Lent we must pray with greater awareness and devote ourselves to inner change in order to be witnesses to the Love of Christ. The threats between countries at war and those that are almost at war are a reason for Saint Michael the Archangel to call us to prayer and urgent conversion. Let us pray and walk hand in hand with Our Blessed Mother towards her divine Son. 



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.