With the breaking of the Sixth Seal and the universal Illumination of Conscience, mankind will have come to the Eye of the Storm: a pause in the chaos; a cease of the destructive winds, and a flood of divine light in the midst of great darkness. Of the Seventh Seal, St. John writes:
When he broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (Rev 8:1)
It is the hour of decision. According to mystics, God will grant a Reprieve—some mystics say only weeks—when the devil will be restrained or "blinded", and people will have complete freedom to choose or reject God.
To overcome the tremendous effects of generations of sin, I must send the power to break through and transform the world. But this surge of power will be uncomfortable, even painful for some. This will cause the contrast between darkness and light to become even greater. —God the Father allegedly to Barbara Rose Centilli, February 16th, 1998, The Miracle of the Illumination of Conscience by Dr. Thomas W. Petrisko, p. 53
According to mystic and exorcist, Fr. Michel Rodgrigue, this grace will result in a powerful time of healing and deliverance:
After the Illumination of Conscience, another unparalleled gift will be granted to humanity: a period of repentance lasting about six and a half weeks, when the devil will not have the power to act. This means that everyone will have their complete free will to make a decision for or against the Lord. The devil will not bind a person’s will and fight against him or her. The Lord will calm everyone’s passions and appease their desires. He will heal everyone from the distortion of their senses, so after this Pentecost, all will feel that their entire bodies are in harmony with Him.
This "unparalleled gift," according to the approved revelations to Elizabeth Kindelmann, is the "Flame of Love" of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.
The Lord Jesus... spoke to me at length about the time of grace and the Spirit of Love quite comparable to the first Pentecost, flooding the earth with its power. That will be the great miracle drawing the attention of all humanity. All that is the effusion of the effect of grace of the Blessed Virgin’s Flame of Love. The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe... "nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.” —Elizabeth Kindelmann, The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Spiritual Diary (Kindle Edition, Loc. 2898-2899); approved in 2009 by Cardinal Péter Erdö Cardinal, Primate and Archbishop. Note: Pope Francis gave his Apostolic Blessing upon the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement on June 19th, 2013
It is a light which will blind Satan:
The soft light of my Flame of Love will light up spreading fire over the entire surface of the earth, humiliating Satan rendering him powerless, completely disabled. Do not contribute to prolong the pains of childbirth. —Our Lady to Elizabeth Kindelmann, Ibid., p. 177
This "exorcism of the dragon" is what the Church has been praying for since Pope Leo XIII composed his prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, which is still recited after Mass in a few places. We see this scene in Revelation 12 as Satan attacks the Woman clothed in the sun who is labouring for this birthing of her Son in souls:
War broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world, was thrown down to earth, and its angels were thrown down with it. (Rev 12:7-9)
"Heaven" here can be understood as both the "spiritual domain" over the earth (as in heavens) but especially the Church. As St. Gregory writes:
Heaven is the Church, which in the night of this present life, the while it possesses in itself the countless virtues of the saints, shines like the radiant heavenly stars; but the dragon's tail sweeps the stars down to the earth (Rev 12:4).... The stars which fall from heaven are those who have lost hope in heavenly things and covet, under the devil's guidance, the sphere of earthly glory. —Moralia, 32, 13; The Navarre Bible; see also When the Stars Fall by Mark Mallett
Hence, this is a purification and "exorcism" of Satan primarily from the Church. This spiritual clash takes place shortly before the rise of the Antichrist. It brings to particular fruition the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart as it establishes, at first, the reign of the Kingdom of the Divine Will within the hearts of the faithful.
The Holy Spirit will come to establish the glorious reign of Christ and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice and of peace. With His divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences. Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth. It will be like a judgment in miniature. And then Jesus Christ will bring His glorious reign in the world. —Fr. Stefano Gobbi, To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, May 22nd, 1988 (with Imprimatur)
Hence, St. John writes that the faithful exclaim:
Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night. They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; love for life did not deter them from death. Therefore, rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them. But woe to you, earth and sea, for the Devil has come down to you in great fury, for he knows he has but a short time. (Rev 12:10-12)
In other words, the Reprieve is short; the Eye of the Storm is passing over and the last half of the Great Storm comes quickly.
Then I saw another angel ascend from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea, “Do not damage the land or the sea or the trees until we put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” (Revelation 7:2)
The angel ascends from "the rising of the sun", a biblical foreshadowing that the pre-dawn of the Day of the Lord has arrived, rising like the "morning star" in the hearts of the faithful. According to Fr. Michel, the first two and a half weeks after the Warning, in particular, will be extremely important because the devil will not return at that time, but people’s habits will, and they will then be harder to convert. All who have received the desire for the Lord, the sense that they need His salvation, will be marked on their forehead with a luminous cross (invisible to the human eye) by their guardian angel.” [1]From The Warning, p. 283 This is why Our Lady has been pleading with the faithful remnant to prepare for this time by their prayers and fasting so that they may be "apostles of love" in this momentous hour, welcoming the prodigals back into God's fold.
But before the eyewall of the Storm hits again, God is going to make one "last effort" to convince the unrepentant before the Door of Justice opens... it is a visible sign that God exists.
The Miracles
It has been prophesied that sometimes after the Warning, great miracles, likely very similar in nature, will appear in three Marian apparition sites, perhaps more. The ones revealed to us at least will be in Garabandal, Spain; Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina; and in Mexico City on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In Garabandal:
Many details have been given to the visionaries of Garabandal regarding the exact nature of the miracle there. They say it will come directly from God and leave no doubt of its divine nature. It will appear where Our Lady’s apparitions began, at “the pines,” and be visible to all in the village of Garabandal and the surrounding mountains. The miracle will be able to be televised, photographed, and touched, but not felt. In its presence, the sick will be cured, the incredulous will believe, and many sinners will be converted. It will occur on a Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. (in Spain’s time zone) on the Feast Day of a young male martyr of the Eucharist who is not Spanish, between the 8th and 16th of the months of March, April, or May, within a year of the Warning, and coincide with a great and rare event in the Church. The visionary, Conchita, will reveal news of the sign to the world eight days in advance of its appearance, and it will remain until the end of time.
In Mexico City:
In a message of September 25, 2017, Jesus said to the visionary, Luz de Maria de Bonilla: “Pray, My children, pray for Mexico, land of My Mother, where she is alive and palpitating, where at her feet, men of peace and goodwill must grow. My Mother, in the invocation of Guadalupe, is the Woman Clothed with the Sun. She is the Mother of these last days. She contains the balm for the culmination of humanity's purification. The tilma, on which My Mother is to be found, will be a sign for humanity, with a great manifestation that My people are not expecting and which will surprise the whole of humanity. It will be visible to all and corroborated by science.
In Medjugorje:
The third secret of Medjugorje (out of ten secrets to be revealed) will be a permanent, beautiful and indestructible sign, and all who come to Medjugorje will be able to see it on Apparition Hill, where Our Lady first appeared there. Our Lady said of the miracle, “Hurry and convert yourselves. When the promised sign on the hill will be given, it will be too late.” Another time, she also said, “And even after I’ve left this sign on the hill, which I have promised to you, many will not believe. They will come to the hill, they will kneel, but they won’t believe.” (Medjugorje message of July 19, 1981) After the permanent sign, there will be little time for conversion. The Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, who was shown the sign in a vision, said in an interview with Padre Livio on January 2, 2008 on Radio Maria, “It is given, above all, for those people who are still far away from God. The Madonna wishes to give these people who will see the sign a chance to believe in God.”
After the Miracles, the light begins to fade, the Eye of the Storm passes, and the winds begin to violently blow again, at first, spiritually in a powerful deception that will gather those who refused the grace of the Illumination into the Kingdom of darkness, of the Antichrist:
...the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in pretended signs and wonders, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved. Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. (2 Thess 2:9-11)