This afternoon Mother appeared all dressed in white; the edges of her dress were golden. Mother was wrapped in a large blue mantle, as delicate as a veil, which also covered her head. Mother had her hands folded in prayer; in her hands was a long white holy rosary, as if made of light, that went down almost to her bare feet which were placed on the world. Mother was sad, but she was hiding her pain with a smile. To Mother’s right was Jesus crucified.
May Jesus Christ be praised
Dear children, thank you that today you are again here in numbers in my blessed woods. My children, if I am here it is through the immense love that God has for each one of you. Children, God loves you and wants you all to be saved. My children, today I come to you as the Mother of Divine Love, I come here among you to bring you messages of love, but above all I come here because God wants you to be saved. My children, my son Jesus died on the cross for each one of you: my son gave his life for your salvation, He shed every drop of His blood to the point of giving it all. He shed all His blood in order for each one of you to be saved. Children, my son still sheds His blood; He sheds it every time you sin; He sheds it at every Eucharistic sacrilege; He sheds it and will shed it until peace and love reign.
My children, only love saves. Please listen to me! Devote your life to love, let quarrels and divisions cease among you. God loves you all in the same way and yet you continue making distinctions? Children, in my Immaculate Heart, there is room for all—please do not be afraid to enter. I am waiting for you: Enter!
At this point Mother showed her heart, which opened and gave off rays of light that went and touched the pilgrims present.
My children, please do not make me wait any longer, times are short and I continue to come here so that you would convert.
Then I prayed together with Mother for those present, but particularly for priests. Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I saw Mother; she was dressed in white with a golden belt around her waist; on her head was a delicate white veil studded with little gold stars, as well as the crown of twelve stars; on her shoulders she had a very light blue mantle with gilded edges. Mother’s bare feet were placed on a rock at the foot of which was running a small stream. Mother had her hands folded in prayer and between them a holy rosary made of light.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
My dear children, I come to you through the immense love and infinite mercy of the Father. Children, you are Christ’s: He alone took your sins upon Himself,; He freed you from the death of sin. Remain strong in the faith, remain united, be members of one body, be disciples of Christ, be ready to give yourselves to Him, be ready to say your “yes”.
My children, it is no longer time to delay, it is no longer time for uncertainty, now is the time to choose: either you are with Christ or you are against Him. I love you, my children, I love you and I want to see you all saved, all united, all mine, all of Christ.
My children, strengthen yourselves with the Holy Sacraments, remain steadfast in the faith. Pray, my children, pray. The world needs prayer, families need prayer, my beloved Church has great need of prayer. Pray for the unity of the Church; pray, children, pray. My children, Christ died for you, for each one of you; He loves you and wants you all to be saved by His side in the Kingdom of the Father. But making sure that this happens depends on you alone, on your choices, on your behavior. God the Father, in His infinite mercy, has placed the choice in your hands. My dearly beloved children, do not depart from my Immaculate Heart. I love you, children, I love you. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.