Our Lady to Marco Ferrari
on May 9th, 2021:
My children, I have remained in prayer with you … Children, I urge you to pray for peace: pray that peace and love would triumph in your hearts, in your families, in groups, in communities and in the whole world. Children, while the world is distracted and confused, pray for peace! I bless you from my heart and I invite you to take my blessing to your homes; I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I clasp you to my heart … Goodbye, my children.
My dear and beloved little children, I am with you in prayer and together with you I have invoked the descent of the Holy Spirit upon you and the whole world… My children, open your hearts; I will never tire of saying this to you: open your hearts to the infinite love of God. My children, kneel often and invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit, of His gifts, upon you, your lives, your families and the whole world. Ask the Holy Spirit to transform you and shape you as God pleases. My children, if you ask the Holy Spirit for this in faith, He will enter your hearts with His grace, God’s grace, and you will be new creatures.
My children, the fruit of prayer and faith are the works that you can do for your brothers and sisters, but if you do not ask God for grace, your lives will not have the force of testimony and your works will not flourish. The Holy Spirit blows upon you… welcome His grace, welcome His strength and take love to the world. Children, the world needs true witnesses to God’s love.
My children, allow your Mother who loves you so much to say to you: children, fewer words … yes, fewer words and more testimony, more love through the fruit of your works of love and mercy towards those who suffer. I bless you all from my heart and I welcome you under my mantle. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you all… Goodbye, my children.
Posted in Marco Ferrari, Messages.