Angela, April 26, 2023
This afternoon Mother appeared all dressed in white. Mother was wrapped in a large white mantle and the same mantle covered her head as well. On her head was a crown of twelve shining stars. Mother had her hands clasped in prayer, in her hands was a long white holy rosary (as if made of light). On her chest was a throbbing heart of flesh crowned with thorns. Mother had bare feet that were placed on the world [the globe]. On the world was the serpent shaking its tail hard, but the Virgin Mary was holding it firmly with her right foot. Mother had a very beautiful smile. May Jesus Christ be praised.
Dear children, thank you for being here in my blessed woods. I love you, my children, I love you immensely. My heart is filled with joy to see you here in prayer. Daughter, look at my Immaculate Heart.
As she was telling me to look at her Heart, she showed it to me by also moving the mantle.
Children, today I place you all here in my Immaculate Heart; here you will be safe from all danger. Children, pray with me: do not fear, do not be afraid of the trials that will come — persevere, pray more.
Beloved children, be instruments of peace: these are times of trial and division, but do not be afraid. Dearly beloved children, continue to form Prayer Cenacles: your homes should be perfumed with prayer. Dearly beloved children, today I again call you to pray for my beloved Church and for my favored sons [priests]. Pray, children, pray.
Then I prayed with Mother; in conclusion she blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.