This evening Mother appeared all dressed in white. She was wrapped in a large blue mantle, and the same mantle also covered her head. Mother’s hands were folded, and in her hands was a long Holy Rosary, as white as light, that went almost down to her feet. On her chest Mother had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns; her feet were bare and were placed on the globe. On the globe could be seen scenes of war and violence. Mother spread out her arms and slowly slid the mantle over the world, covering it. May Jesus Christ be praised…
Dear children, this evening I come to you to bring you graces and blessings, I come to take you by the hand to lead you to my beloved Jesus. My children, be courageous in bearing witness to God’s love. You are called to be my earthly apostles: do not be afraid — I have given you the Holy Rosary as a weapon; hold it tightly in your hands and pray. May the Holy Rosary be your weapon of victory. My children, this evening I am close to each one of you, I am in your homes, I visit your cenacles, I touch your hearts and I joyfully accept the prayer that you address to me. Children, this evening I again ask you to continue praying for the fate of this world, which is increasingly clouded by the snares of the enemy. Do not let yourselves be seduced by evil: walk on the way of love, love one another as Jesus loved you. My children, I am here to save you, I am here to set out on the Way with you; give me your hands and let us walk together. Follow me on the Way that I have indicated to you; follow Jesus.
Then Mother asked me to pray with her: we prayed for the church and particularly for priests. Finally she blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.