Elizabeth Kindelmann – A Great Storm

Our Lady to, May 19th, 1963: You know, my little one, the elect will have to fight against the Prince of Darkness. It will be a terrible storm. Rather, it will be a hurricane which will want to destroy the faith and confidence of even the elect. In this terrible turmoil currently brewing up, you will […]

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Jennifer – A Great Shaking

Jesus to: …a great shaking is about to come forth for the earth has begun to show mankind the depth of his sins, and yet, your signs will multiply. —July 20th, 2005

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Luisa Picarretta – On Chastisements

Jesus tells : My daughter, everything you saw [Chastisements] will serve to purify and prepare the human family. The turmoils will serve to reorder, and the destructions to build more beautiful things. If a collapsing building is not torn down, a new and more beautiful one cannot be formed upon those very ruins. I will […]

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