Can You be Saved if You Take the “Mark”?

The world is racing toward a total digital infrastructure where every human being will require a digital ID to participate in the economy, travel, receive “health care,” etc. This is the stated goal of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)[1]cf. and the United Nations and its NGOs.[2] The G20 nations in turn at the 2023 Leader’s Summit, ‘agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs.'[3]Sept 9, 2023, Epoch Times This digital ID would enable global powers to monitor and
surveil all human activity: track your buying and selling, movement, carbon footprint, vaccine status, etc. In the words of Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison, who just entered a partnership with the United States government to expand its artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure there:

Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.Business Insider, Sept 14, 2024

At the same time, the transhumanist movement led by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and funded by global billionaires and hundreds of corporations, has declared that we are entering the 4th Industrial Revolution, which will usher in…

…the fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities. — Klaus Schwab, WEF Founder; cf. The Rise of the Antichurch, 20:11 mark,

​This revolutionary spirit has caused both Christians and unbelievers alike to recall the enigmatic words of St. John in the Book of Revelation:
[The beast] forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name. (Rev. 13:16-17)
Now, what this “mark” is has been the source of endless speculation. In fact, some apologists hold the view that the “mark” was actually the coins of Roman Emperor Nero and that the number “666” was a code for his name: Nero Ceasar. They also consign this passage of Revelation to history saying that the persecutions of Nero were mainly what the beast, etc. referred to.
However, many Church Fathers did not hold this contemporary view. St. Irenaeus of Lyons who wrote some 112 years after Nero, gave other examples of who the name 666 could refer to, but then warned against the rash need to figure it out. Wait, he said, until the Roman Empire collapses into the ten domains (of the beast):
Moreover, another danger, by no means trifling, shall overtake those who falsely presume that they know the name of Antichrist… let them await, in the first place, the division of the kingdom into ten; then, in the next place, when these kings are reigning, and beginning to set their affairs in order, and advance their kingdom, [let them learn] to acknowledge that he who shall come claiming the kingdom for himself, and shall terrify those men of whom we have been speaking, having a name containing the aforesaid number [666], is truly the abomination of desolation.Against Heresies, Book V, Chapter 30.2
Other Church Fathers, such as Justin Martyr, Augustine, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Lactantius, etc. all read the Book of Revelation as a future event.[4]cf. How the Era was Lost While some Catholic apologists assign Revelation 12 & 13 to the first century, not so recent popes. St. John Paul II saw the present battle between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death” as living out the Book of Revelation:

This struggle parallels the apocalyptic combat described in [Rev 11:19-12:1-6, 10 on the battle between” the woman clothed with the sun” and the “dragon”]. Death battles against Life: a “culture of death” seeks to impose itself on our desire to live, and live to the full… Vast sectors of society are confused about what is right and what is wrong, and are at the mercy of those with the power to “create” opinion and impose it on others. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Cherry Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, 1993

Pope Benedict also evoked the 12th chapter of Revelation and the following passage as being fulfilled in our times:

The serpent… spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current… (Revelation 12:15)

This fight in which we find ourselves… [against] powers that destroy the world, are spoken of in chapter 12 of Revelation… It is said that the dragon directs a great stream of water against the fleeing woman, to sweep her away… I think that it is easy to interpret what the river stands for: it is these currents that dominate everyone, and want to eliminate the faith of the Church, which seems to have nowhere to stand before the power of these currents that impose themselves as the only way of thinking, the only way of life. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, first session of the special synod on the Middle East, October 10th, 2010

Shortly before his passing, he stated:

We see how the power of the Antichrist is expanding, and we can only pray that the Lord will give us strong shepherds who will defend His Church in this hour of need from the power of evil. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, The American ConservativeJanuary 10th, 2023

Even the Vatican recently promulgated a document that explicitly linked the Image of the Beast, described in Revelation 13, to contemporary technology:
However, the presumption of substituting God for an artifact of human making is idolatry, a practice Scripture explicitly warns against (e.g., Ex. 20:4; 32:1-5; 34:17). Moreover, AI may prove even more seductive than traditional idols for, unlike idols that “have mouths but do not speak; eyes, but do not see; ears, but do not hear” (Ps. 115:5-6), AI can “speak,” or at least gives the illusion of doing so (cf. Rev. 13:15). —Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Antiqua et Nova. §105. January 28, 2025.
So much for the prophetic warnings of the Book of Revelation being only symbolic, or only matters of the past.

What is the “mark of the beast”?

The Greek word for “mark” is charagma: an etching, stamp, or brand. In context, it was a common practice in Roman times to mark slaves or soldiers with a tattoo or brand to indicate their allegiance or ownership. 
Some scholars argue that because the “mark” we receive in baptism is invisible, as is the seal or name written on the foreheads of the 144,000 in Rev 6:3, 14:1, the mark of the beast must, therefore, also be invisible. While not an unreasonable argument, one need not necessarily follow the other. One could also argue that Satan’s counterfeit mark of ownership will be visible precisely as an affront to our human dignity and bodily temple, made in God’s image. Notably, several exorcists today are discouraging people from getting tattoos.[5]eg. here and here  

It’s also notable that commerce is being tied to injectable RFID microchips under the skin. These are already being rolled out — and willingly accepted — in several countries. The BBC published a story three years ago that should raise eyebrows with the headliner: “The microchip implants that let you pay with your hand.” 

Another curious development is through The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is working with the United Nations program ID2020 that seeks to give every citizen on earth a digital ID tied to a vaccine. GAVI, “The Vaccine Alliance” is teaming up with the UN to integrate this vaccine with some kind of biometric. As it turns out, Gates is also funding the development of a vaccine “tattoo” that contains digital information that can be read or scanned by a device. Researchers at MIT were on it a few years ago:

…they’ve created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and it’s only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter. —FuturismDecember 19th, 2019

Ironically, the invisible “ink” used is called “Luciferase,” a bioluminescent chemical delivered through “quantum dots” that will leave an invisible “mark” of your immunization and record of information.[6]

While none of the above or emerging technologies are de facto the “mark of the beast,” Christians would do well to pay attention if these applications suddenly become the only means by which one could buy and sell. Aside from the ethical considerations of forcing someone to use their biometrics or even body as an instrument of commerce, St. John warned that taking this mark would endanger the soul….

Can You Lose Your Soul if You Take the “mark”?

While the Scriptures clearly leave room for repentance from mortal sin, it seems much less forgiving about the destiny of those who take the mark. Remember that it appears that everyone is “forced” to take this mark:
It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads…” (Revelation 13:16-17).
That being the case, it is clear that being forced to take the mark is not an exemption according to the next verses:
Anyone who worships the beast or its image, or accepts its mark on forehead or hand, will also drink the wine of God’s fury, poured full strength into the cup of his wrath, and will be tormented in burning sulfur” (Rev 14:9) along with the beast and the false prophet (Rev 19:20).
​As such, taking the mark is tantamount to apostasy. ​In other words, to take the mark is worship of the beast and constitutes that final apostasy at the end of this era that sifts the weeds from the wheat, the damned from the elect, with the former being subjected to the “deceiving power” (or “strong delusion”) so as to bring about their own judgment.

…the apostasy comes first and [then] the lawless one is revealed… Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. (2 Thessalonians 2:3,2:11-12)

As St. Irenaeus taught:
‘…he will cause a mark [to be put] in the forehead and in the right hand, that no one may be able to buy or sell, unless he who has the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name; and the number is six hundred and sixty-six…’ [He gives this] as a summing up of the whole of that apostasy which has taken place during six thousand years [since man’s creation]. —Against Heresies, Book V, Chapter 28.2
It seems that unlike mortal sin, which can be repented of before death, taking the mark is like a “baptism” into the mystical body of Satan. It constitutes seemingly an indelible mark that signifies the rejection of Christ for worldly security. Even Jesus foreshadows this terrible rebellion in Matthew 16:26: “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” In fact, we see that those who took the mark are then subject to “judgments” from God: “Festering and ugly sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast or worshiped its image.” (Revelation 16:2). Throughout that entire chapter describing a series of judgments, St. John repeatedly notes: “they did not repent or give him glory.” The question is whether they could repent, or like the souls already consigned to Hell, have they already made their choice? The judgments culminate in the execution of not only the beast and the false prophet but also “those who had accepted the mark of the beast and those who had worshiped its image.” (Revelation 19:20)
The caveat to the above is if the mark is physically forced upon a person against their will (such as being held down, etc.). In such a case, the person would not be morally culpable, no more than the victim of rape is culpable for the sexual act that took place.
The main point is that there is no indication in the Scriptural passages that anyone who took the mark repented.[7]There are, admittedly, difficulties in properly interpreting these passages from Revelation, and we do not purport to have them “figured out.” Church teaching must always be the lens through which we understand Sacred Scripture. The Church does teach that Sacramental Absolution can indeed forgive any possible sin if one is contrite—repentant. While it is true that Jesus refers to Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin (Cf. Matthew 12:31), the Church understands this as truly unforgivable strictly in the case where it involves final impenitence (i.e., the refusal to accept God’s mercy even up to the very moment of death). Yet, as noted above, there is clearly something unique about the Mark of the Beast. There seems to be an indication that, for whatever reason, those who choose to receive the Mark that is “forced” upon them simply will not repent.


Moreover, all sin requires an act of the will, therefore it is impossible for grace to be removed from the soul due to any exterior imposition that is truly physically forced in such a way that resistance is literally impossible. This does not, however, cover those cases wherein compliance with evil is simply “obligatory,” even if that obligation is under pain of death. The Church has always praised the martyrs who preferred death rather than casting a simple pinch of incense before a Pagan Idol. Apostasy does not cease being a mortal sin simply because martyrdom is the consequence of refusing that apostasy. Intrinsic evils—including abortion, adultery, apostasy, and, yes, accepting the Mark of the Beast—are evil by their nature; there is no possible circumstance that can render them morally acceptable. One can never do any of these things and suppose his soul is safe, under the pretense that he did it as a “sacrifice for others.”


It is certainly settled, therefore, that we all must determine now that we will choose to accept even death rather than accepting the Mark of the Beast. This still leaves us with one more question: how should we regard those others who have taken the Mark, once those days of great trial are upon us?


Even then, despair remains ruled out by the dogmas of our Faith. We are never permitted to assume that someone with breath in their lungs is damned, no matter what. We must always pray for them, and hope for their salvation.
It would be dangerous for any Christian to presume, then, that there is still the chance of repentance available after taking the “mark.” As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:

One may never do evil so that good may result from it. —n. 1789

We should choose death before we would ever take the mark of the beast, or put positively, we should keep our eyes fixed on Heaven. 
—The Countdown Team



1 cf.
3 Sept 9, 2023, Epoch Times
4 cf. How the Era was Lost
5 eg. here and here
7 There are, admittedly, difficulties in properly interpreting these passages from Revelation, and we do not purport to have them “figured out.” Church teaching must always be the lens through which we understand Sacred Scripture. The Church does teach that Sacramental Absolution can indeed forgive any possible sin if one is contrite—repentant. While it is true that Jesus refers to Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin (Cf. Matthew 12:31), the Church understands this as truly unforgivable strictly in the case where it involves final impenitence (i.e., the refusal to accept God’s mercy even up to the very moment of death). Yet, as noted above, there is clearly something unique about the Mark of the Beast. There seems to be an indication that, for whatever reason, those who choose to receive the Mark that is “forced” upon them simply will not repent.
Moreover, all sin requires an act of the will, therefore it is impossible for grace to be removed from the soul due to any exterior imposition that is truly physically forced in such a way that resistance is literally impossible. This does not, however, cover those cases wherein compliance with evil is simply “obligatory,” even if that obligation is under pain of death. The Church has always praised the martyrs who preferred death rather than casting a simple pinch of incense before a Pagan Idol. Apostasy does not cease being a mortal sin simply because martyrdom is the consequence of refusing that apostasy. Intrinsic evils—including abortion, adultery, apostasy, and, yes, accepting the Mark of the Beast—are evil by their nature; there is no possible circumstance that can render them morally acceptable. One can never do any of these things and suppose his soul is safe, under the pretense that he did it as a “sacrifice for others.”
It is certainly settled, therefore, that we all must determine now that we will choose to accept even death rather than accepting the Mark of the Beast. This still leaves us with one more question: how should we regard those others who have taken the Mark, once those days of great trial are upon us?
Even then, despair remains ruled out by the dogmas of our Faith. We are never permitted to assume that someone with breath in their lungs is damned, no matter what. We must always pray for them, and hope for their salvation.
Posted in From Our Contributors, Messages, The Period of the Anti-Christ.