Practices and Promises of the Flame of Love

In the troubling times in which we live, Jesus and His Mother, through recent movements in heaven and in the Church, are laying extraordinary graces in our laps for our disposal. One such movement is “The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” a new name given to that immense and eternal love […]

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Pedro Regis on the Era of Peace

I want to make you saints for the glory of the reign of God. Open your hearts! Very soon the world will be transformed into a new world, without hate or violence. The world will be a new garden and all will live happily. (October 8, 1988)

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Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana Soldo on the Era of Peace

The apparitions at Medjugorje have become among the most famous and abundantly fruitful Marian Apparitions in history. One of the seers, Mirjana, published a book, the very title of which speaks of the Era of Peace. Entitled My Heart Will Triumph, we see in it the following:

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Popes and Fathers on the Era of Peace

Anticipation of the Era of Peace is far from restricted to these sources. Quite the contrary, we also see it throughout the Fathers of the Church and the Papal Magisterium of the modern era. What follows are just a few examples.

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The New and Divine Holiness

The Coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, in fulfillment of the very Our Father prayer itself, is not primarily about making the world a more beautiful and pleasant place — although that transformation, too, certainly will happen. It is primarily about holiness.

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Luisa Piccarreta – No Fear

Jesus showed this vision to Luisa regarding protection from the looming Chastisements: “[Our Lady] went around in the midst of creatures, throughout all nations, and She marked Her dear children and those who were not to be touched by the scourges. Whomever my Celestial Mother touched, the scourges had no power to touch those creatures. Sweet Jesus gave to His Mother the right to bring to safety whomever She pleased.”

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Luisa Piccarreta – Era of Divine Love

About this Era soon to dawn upon the whole world, Jesus revealed to Luisa: “Everything will be transformed… my Will will make greater display, so much so, as to form a new enchantment of prodigious beauties never before seen, for the whole of Heaven and for all the earth.”

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