Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Pray Against the Virus

Our Lady to, March 15th, 2020: Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: I bless you at this moment when humanity needs My Son in order to devote itself to conversion. Today, more so than at other times, humanity is immersed in a moment of darkness where chaos reigns. DARKNESS HAS TAKEN POSSESSION OF THE GREATER PART […]

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Fr. Edward O’Connor – Tribulation and Triumph

Fr. Edward O’Connor is a theologian and former professor at The University of Notre Dame and is considered an expert on Marian apparitions. Here he provides a summary of the “prophetic consensus,” confirmed by the seers on this website: The basic message is that of St. Faustina: we are in an age of mercy, which […]

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Elizabeth Kindelmann – A New World

Jesus to, March 24th, 1963: He spoke to me at length about the time of grace and the Spirit of Love quite comparable to the first Pentecost, flooding the earth with its power. That will be the great miracle drawing the attention of all humanity. All that is the effusion of the effect of grace […]

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Simona – Time to Decide

Our Lady of Zaro, Italy to Simona, February 26th, 2019: My children, do not let yourselves be deceived by the false beauties of this world, do not stray from my Immaculate Heart. Children, there is no more time to delay, no more time to wait, now is the moment to decide: either you are with […]

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Medjugorje – New Times

Our Lady of Medjugorje toMarija, June 25, 2019: I am preparing you for the new times that you may be firm in faith and persevering in prayer, so that the Holy Spirit may work through you and renew the face of the earth. I am praying with you for peace, which is the most precious […]

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Medjugorje – I See Beautiful and Sad Things

Our Lady of Medjugorje toMirjana, March 18, 2020: Dear children, my Son, as God, always looked above time. I, as His mother, through Him, see in time. I see beautiful and sad things. But I see that there is still love, and that it needs doing for it to be known. My children, you cannot be […]

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Jennifer – An Era of Peace

Jesus to: My child, I have sent storms and earthquakes to this world before as a sign that man needs to change his ways. Many do not take these as signs. Many do not understand that they are being sinful. When you see the storms and disasters, know that the sign of the tribulation is […]

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Maria Esperanza – Difficult but Glorious Times

Messages from: …the Virgin has come… to unite a small group of souls called for a great future mission, which is already beginning. That is the evangelization of the world over again. —The Bridge to Heaven: Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania, Michael H. Brown, p. 107

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Jennifer – Plagues of Insects and Disease

Jesus to, November 18th, 2004: My people, the light shall come and fall upon mankind. Each ray of light that shines from My Most Sacred Heart will awaken your soul. The days are coming, for you will see how the earth will respond according to the depth of man’s sins. You will be plagued by […]

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Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Volcanoes Purify

St. Michael the Archangel to: Children, humanity will be surprised by the fury of volcanoes still unknown. Man will again live without the Sun’s heat. Pray… the Yellowstone volcano will mercilessly scourge all of humanity. —October 6th, 2017 Pray, My children, volcanoes are purification for the nations. —September 28, 2017 The volcanoes will roar, awakening man […]

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