Cora Evans – The Golden Age and Mystical Indwelling

The Servant of God Cora Evans was an American lay woman, mother, and mystic who received revelations from Jesus on the “Mystical Humanity of Christ,” and whose cause for Beatification has officially been initiated. A Catholic World Report article written about her states: [1]“Cora Evans: Mystic, wife and mother Monterey diocese backs sainthood cause of woman who proclaimed ‘Mystical Humanity of Christ,’” Jim Graves. July 26, 2017.

“…Cora’s mystical experiences began with an apparition of Mary at age 3. After an experience of ecstasy in 1938, she resolved to serve God for the remainder of her life. She wrote, “It was necessary for me to live my chosen vocation with him as my companion. By loaning Jesus my humanity for him to govern as well as dwell within would make my life a living prayer, for he was life, living life within me, and my body now dead to me was his living cross, his cross to take to Calvary—Calvary, the door to eternal life.” The way of prayer entrusted to Cora is known as the Mystical Humanity of Christ, a Eucharistic spirituality encouraging the faithful to live each day with a heightened awareness of the living, indwelling presence of Jesus in their lives …She has been declared a Servant of God as her cause for canonization is considered, and the Diocese of Monterey is investigating her life and writings. Monterey Bishop Richard Garcia is “100 percent” behind the investigation, McDevitt said, and has done much to assist the process … “Cora was a laywoman whose life centered on doing the will of God,” McDevitt said.

Among the many revelations Jesus entrusted to Cora are the following prophecies of a coming Golden Age on earth wherein a new holiness is lived by the Faithful [see Era of Peace on our Timeline]:

I am giving this gift through you, better to establish My Kingdom of love within souls. I desire all souls to know I am real, alive, and the same today as after My Resurrection. For My kingdom in souls to be better known is another step in the golden age, golden because souls in sanctifying grace resemble the light of the golden, noonday sun. In that golden kingdom, I may personally dwell if I am invited, for I have said, “The kingdom of God is within you.” Through this knowledge many souls still loan Me their bodies. Thus they actually become My Mystical Humanity, and in them I relive My life on earth as I did after My Resurrection.’[2]Cora Evans in “Golden Detachment of the Soul.”

“This apparition represents the Golden Age of Faith. This age will come into existence when the majority of My friends, instead of the minority, will have risen through the ascetical life to the contemplative. It will be in this glorious age that I will reign in royal victory through My indwelling in human hearts. Through real friends I will continue My life of the Resurrection and bless the world with peace, which will last several hundreds of years. However, My special friends through the ages leading to this Golden Age will fully understand My words, ‘If I be lifted up in you I will draw all things to Me.’ I am the Prince of Peace, and therefore will give peace to the world in proportion to those who allow Me to continue the life of the Resurrection through them. The indwelling will begin to be practiced at the Last Supper, but few people, through the ages, will fully understand its depth and meaning until the era of the Golden Age is reached. I have asked My friends to follow Me all the way, and that does not mean that they will stop at the Crucifixion, for I will live on earth forty days after My Resurrection. I want My followers to live this part of My life also by allowing Me to dwell within them—which means that their bodies will be My other borrowed humanity… The yellow race* at the time of the Golden Age will offer Me love and victory over evil above all other ages and peoples of time. Many of My successors will be of that wonderful race, and they will put to flight many heresies that will spring up through misunderstandings and human unkindness in My Church. Following the Golden Age, ungoverned intellectual pride will slowly undermine peace, and faith will quickly crumble, bringing with it the end of time.” [3] Cora Evans. The Refugee from Heaven. Pages 148-149


*Given that there are many prophecies regarding the rise of China, this likely refers to the conversion of that country to the Gospel (it is not a racist term; Heaven is not racist, but neither is it color-blind). Already, there is a solid and faithful underground Church there. Consider the following prophecies regarding the rise of China before the Era of Peace:

I am gazing today with eyes of mercy on this great nation of China, where my Adversary is reigning, the Red Dragon who has set up his kingdom here, enjoining all, by force, to repeat the satanic act of denial and rebellion against God. —Our Lady, Taipei (Taiwan), October 9th, 1987; To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, #365

“I will set my foot down in the midst of the world and show you: that is America, ” and then, [Our Lady] immediately points to another part, saying, “Manchuria—there will be tremendous insurrections.” I see Chinese marching, and a line which they are crossing. —Twenty Fifth Apparition, 10th December, 1950; The Messages of The Lady of All Nations, pg. 35 (devotion to Our Lady of All Nations has been ecclesiastically approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)

And this from a Church Father:

Then the sword will traverse the world, mowing down everything, and laying low all things as a crop. And—my mind dreads to relate it, but I will relate it, because it is about to happen—the cause of this desolation and confusion will be this; because the Roman name, by which the world is now ruled, will be taken away from the earth, and the government return to Asia; and the East will again bear rule, and the West be reduced to servitude. —Lactantius, Fathers of the Church: The Divine Institutes, Book VII, Chapter 15, Catholic Encyclopedia;



1 “Cora Evans: Mystic, wife and mother Monterey diocese backs sainthood cause of woman who proclaimed ‘Mystical Humanity of Christ,’” Jim Graves. July 26, 2017.
2 Cora Evans in “Golden Detachment of the Soul.”
3 Cora Evans. The Refugee from Heaven. Pages 148-149
Posted in Era of Peace, Messages, Other Souls.