Peace, my beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, love you immensely and I come from Heaven with so many heavenly graces that the Almighty allows me to grant to all those who have recourse to my maternal intercession. Do not be discouraged and do not lose faith facing the crosses in your lives. God accepts everything that you offer Him with love and with trust. You are not alone on this path of difficulties and suffering: I am by your side, consoling you with my maternal Heart. God never abandons you, He will always be by your side until the final breath of your lives, manifesting His love and forgiveness in order to save you. Love my Son Jesus, comforting His Divine Heart that is so offended and outraged because of the terrible sins that are being committed today within the Holy Church. Satan has infiltrated her foundations, wanting to make her sink and to destroy her, but I—the Mother of the Church, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace—am appearing to the world in order to gather all my children in prayer, to show them all that in the end God will win through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, entrust yourselves to my hands and I will lead you to God. Pray, make reparation for terrible sins, have trust, faith and hope! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Posted in Edson and Maria, Messages.