Peace, my beloved children! My children, I your Mother come from heaven with my Immaculate Heart burning with love for each one of you. I want to lead you to the Heart of my Son so that you are united with Him and have true life. My Son is Eternal Life, my Son is everything in your lives. Unite yourselves to the love of my Son and you will live forever, and neither death nor any evil will have power over you and your families, because my Son will surround you with his love, and by His divine will He will lead you to heaven. Pray and trust, pray and trust, and the graces will be great for all those who believe and trust without ever doubting. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Peace my beloved children, peace! My children, I your Mother will not desist in fighting for the happiness and salvation of each one of you. Be of God, do God’s will, accept the call of God in your lives. I have come from heaven because I love you and want all my children to take refuge under my protective mantle so that they would be protected against all the calamities and dangers to the soul and body which are about to fall on the whole disobedient and rebellious world that does not listen to God and does not obey Him. My children, return to God. Return to his Merciful Heart that is full of love for you. Do not be insensitive to my motherly call: may your hearts not remain hardened to God’s great and holy love for you, because only his love, grace and blessing can save you in the hardest and most difficult times. Pray, pray, pray much, and I will help you to do God’s will and to be obedient to it. I love you and bless all of you and your families: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Peace, my beloved children, peace! My children, God calls you to conversion. Listen to His holy call. It is for the good of your souls that I am speaking to you with such great love. Open your hearts to the Lord. Be of Him, loving and worshiping Him as the sole Lord of your lives. My children, prepare yourselves. Always be in God’s grace. The great events that will change the lives of all humanity are near, and blessed will be those who live out their lives of conversion every day, seeking to do the will of God. Do not waste time. Return to God and He will always bless you with His great love and make you worthy of the glory of His kingdom. Pray, pray, pray and great graces will descend upon the Holy Church and the whole world. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer taught by Our Lady to Edson Glauber, November 8th, 2020:
With the Divine Will of God, may all evil be destroyed and Satan humiliated and defeated.
Posted in Messages.