Edson – What is Impossible for You

Our Lady Queen of the Rosary and Peace Edson Glauber on October 12, 2020:

Peace, my beloved children, peace!
My children, I have come from Heaven to ask you to pray the Holy Rosary continually for the good of Brazil and of all humanity. With the Rosary you can obtain numerous graces from the Heart of my Son, who wants so much to bless and help you. With a Rosary prayed well and with love, my Son will not deny you anything. Trust, believe in the power of prayer, in the certitude that my Son hears you and even gives you graces that for you are impossible. My Son can do all things because he is love and His love is infinite, because He is eternal. In the most difficult moments of your life, carrying the heaviest cross, say with confidence: “Jesus, I trust in you”, and everything will change, because you will have strength and peace, which He will give you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Posted in Edson and Maria, Messages.