Beloved children, peace. I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. Little children, here I am to grant you all and to urge you to have faith and also courage. Do not be afraid, I am your Mother and I am here. My children, you must persevere in God. You must have a friendship with God. Be obedient: the world is turning away from God. Pray: protect yourselves against the snares of the enemy. Do not stay away from prayer. Entrust your family members to my maternal care. Pray. Pray. Do not deviate from the path that leads you to God. With love I bless you.
Peace. On this day I embrace each of you with my Heart. Seek consolation in the Heart of Jesus. My children, the world is heading towards not such a good end. Pray. Do not be discouraged in the daily struggle. Always seek God. Do not be intimidated by tragedies. Have faith. Peace is possible, my children. I always insist: the way is Jesus. Pray and love your neighbor. With love I bless you.
Posted in Eduardo Ferreira, Messages.