Fr. Dolindo – Purification is Mercy, is Necessary

Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo of Naples, Italy (1882-1970), was a miracle worker and a mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit. He offered himself as a victim soul for mankind and was completely paralyzed for the last ten years of his life. He is a candidate for beatification and the Catholic Church has granted him the title “Servant of God.” This humble priest had extraordinary communications with Jesus throughout his heroic life, which was totally devoted to God and Mother Mary. He referred to himself as “the Madonna’s little old man,” and the Rosary was his constant companion. Padre Pio once said to him, “The whole of paradise is in your soul.”

Fr. “Dolindo’s” name means “Pain,” and his life was rife with it. As a child, a teenager, a seminarian, and a priest, he experienced humiliation, the realization of prophetic words from a bishop who told him, “You will be a martyr, but in your heart, not with your blood.”

In his profound humility, Fr. Dolindo was able to hear the words of God. Even with his life so hidden, he was one of the great prophets of the last century. On a postcard, he wrote to Bishop Hnilica in 1965 that a new John would rise out of Poland with heroic steps to break the chains beyond the boundaries imposed by communist tyranny. This prophecy was realized in the papacy of St. Pope John Paul II.

In his tremendous suffering, Fr. Dolindo became more and more a child of God who lived in complete self-offering to the Divine Father. “I am totally poor, a poor nothing. My strength is my prayer, my leader is the will of God, which I let take me by the hand. My security over the uneven path is the heavenly mother, Mary.”

Of the many words Jesus spoke to Fr. Dolindo is the treasure of His teaching regarding our total abandonment to God, which has been partitioned into a novena for frequent prayer. In this novena, Jesus speaks directly to our hearts. As you will see from His words, much of what Our Lord wants seems to fly in the face of normal human inclination and reason. We can only rise to this level of thinking through the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. But when we do as the prayer says, when we open our hearts and close our eyes in trust and ask Jesus to “Take care of it,” He will.


Our Lady to Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970) in 1921:

God alone! (Dio solo)
It is I, Mary Immaculate, Mother of Mercy.
It is I who must lead you back to Jesus because the world is so far from Him and cannot find the way back, being so full of wretchedness! Only a great mercy can lift the world out the abyss into which it has fallen. Oh, my daughters,[1]The text was written in 1921 but only published after his death in the book Cosi ho visto l’Immaculota (Thus I saw the Immaculate), This volume takes the form of 31 letters – one for each day of the month of May – written to some of the Neapolitan mystic’s spiritual daughters while he was in Rome being “interrogated” by the Holy Office. It is clear that Don Dolindo regarded the writing as supernaturally inspired by an illumination from Our Lady, who speaks here in the first person. you do not consider what state the world is in and what souls have become! Do you not see that God is forgotten, that He is unknown, that the creature idolizes itself?…  Do you not see that the Church is languishing and that all her riches are buried, that her priests are inactive, are often bad, and are dissipating the Lord’s vineyard?
The world has become a field of death, no voice will awaken it unless a great mercy lifts it up. You, therefore, my daughters, must implore this mercy, addressing yourselves to me who am its Mother: “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope”.
What do you think mercy is? It is not merely indulgence but also a remedy, medicine, surgical operation.
The first form of mercy needed by this poor earth, and the Church first of all, is purification. Do not be frightened, do not fear, but it is necessary for a terrible hurricane to pass first over the Church and then the world!
The Church will almost seem abandoned and everywhere her ministers will desert her… even the churches will have to close! By his power the Lord will break all the bonds that now bind her [i.e. the Church] to the earth and paralyze her!
They have neglected the glory of God for human glory, for earthly prestige, for external pomp, and all this pomp will be swallowed up by a terrible, new persecution! Then we will see the value of human prerogatives and how it would have been better to lean on Jesus alone, who is the true life of the Church.
When you see the Pastors expelled from their seats and reduced to poor houses, when you see priests deprived of all their possessions, when you see external greatness abolished, say that the Kingdom of God is imminent! All this is mercy, not an ill!
Jesus wanted to reign by spreading His love and so often they have prevented Him from doing so. Therefore, he will disperse everything that is not his and will strike his ministers so that, deprived of all human support, they might live in Him alone and for Him!
This is the true mercy and I will not prevent what will seem to be a reversal but which is a great good, because I am the Mother of mercy!
The Lord will begin with His house and from there He will go on to the world…[2]cf. 1 Pet 4:17
Iniquity, having reached its apex, will fall apart and devour itself…


Read Mark Mallett’s commentary on this incredible prophecy here.



1 The text was written in 1921 but only published after his death in the book Cosi ho visto l’Immaculota (Thus I saw the Immaculate), This volume takes the form of 31 letters – one for each day of the month of May – written to some of the Neapolitan mystic’s spiritual daughters while he was in Rome being “interrogated” by the Holy Office. It is clear that Don Dolindo regarded the writing as supernaturally inspired by an illumination from Our Lady, who speaks here in the first person.
2 cf. 1 Pet 4:17
Posted in Other Souls, The Time of Tribulation.