Jennifer – Form An Army of Prayer

Our Lord Jesus to Jennifer on July 25, 2024:

My child, I am summoning my children to form an army of prayer. Unite your families, unite your neighbors and pray, meditate on the Gospel message and recite the Rosary. This is a call to My children that you must trust in order to discern, and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will grow in holiness and you will have the strength to turn away from the world. 

My children, the world has consumed so many hearts with pride and few souls left with humility. Do not allow the world to give you a false peace. I am asking My children all around the world to fill an ocean with prayer so that you will restrain the sea of my justice. It is through prayer that I will penetrate through the walls of pride and bring forth hearts that are charitable and living in truth.

Come and be my disciples; be my witnesses in this world. Do not always seek healing of the body. First, you must seek healing of the soul. Suffering is your greatest asset to obtain your seat at the banquet table. Now go forth in prayer, humility, and in acts of love, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.


On July 18, 2024:

My child, when evil can no longer hide itself, mankind can no longer be blind to the truth. For that is the gravest danger to one’s soul — is to see truth, know truth, and [yet] deny truth. Come, come to the light of My love, come to the light of truth, My children, for I am Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.

Be at peace and know that victory is coming to those who accept truth, for My mercy and justice will prevail.


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