Luisa – A General Uproar Must Happen

“Antichrist” does not mean the opposite of Christ but a counterfeit of Christ — hence the danger in the deceptions of those antichrists that have appeared throughout the centuries. Satan twists the things of God in order to deceive.

In the message below, Jesus says how necessary it is to build the Kingdom of His will by first knocking down the sinful structures that man has built. The counterfeit of this divine action is the so-called “Great Reset” being implemented by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. Agenda 2030 and the concept to “build back better” are ultimately about knocking down the things of God in order to build up the kingdom of man, of Satan. Hence, we are now living through the “final confrontation” between these two opposing kingdoms (see Clash of the Kingdoms).

Our Lord Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta on April 24, 1927:

Ah! my daughter, grave things are to happen. In order to reorder a kingdom, a house, a general uproar happens first, and many things perish—some lose, others gain. In sum, there is chaos, a greater struggling, and many things are suffered in order to reorder, renew and give a new shape to the kingdom, or the house. There is more suffering and more work to do if one must destroy in order to rebuild, than if one only had to build. The same will happen in order to rebuild the Kingdom of My Will. How many innovations need to be made. It is necessary to turn everything upside down, to knock down and destroy human beings, to upset the earth, the sea, the air, the wind, the water, the fire, so that all may put themselves at work in order to renew the face of the earth, so as to bring the order of the new Kingdom of My Divine Will into the midst of creatures. Therefore, many grave things will happen, and in seeing this, if I look at the chaos, I feel afflicted; but if I look beyond, in seeing the order and My new Kingdom rebuilt, I go from a deep sadness to a joy so great that you cannot comprehend. This is the reason why you see Me now sad and now with the joy of My Celestial Fatherland.

I felt sad because of this uproar that Jesus had talked to me about; those grave things were terrifying—I could hear tumults, revolutions and wars in several places. Oh! how my poor heart moaned. And Jesus, to cheer me, took me in His arms, pressed me tightly to His most holy Heart, and told me:

My daughter, let us look beyond, that we may be cheered. I want to make things return as in the beginning of Creation, that was nothing other than an outpouring of love; and it still lasts, because whatever We do once, We do always—it is never interrupted….



Posted in Luisa Piccarreta.