Luisa – Little Sacrifices

Our Lord to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta on August 15, 1927:

It is my usual way that when I ask of the creature a small sacrifice for her good and, ungrateful, she denies it to Me, I no longer want to trust her, I dismiss my designs to raise her to great things, and I leave her like a creature put into oblivion, which no one points to because of either great works or heroism, whether for God, for herself or for the peoples. Then, you must distinguish what I wanted from Adam – the little sacrifice of depriving himself of a fruit – and it was not granted to Me. How could I trust him and ask of him a greater sacrifice? On the other hand, I did not ask of Abraham a fruit as sacrifice, but first I asked him to go into a foreign land in which he was not born – and he promptly obeyed Me; and then I wanted to trust him more, I lavished grace upon him, and I asked of him the sacrifice of his only son, whom he loved more than himself – and he promptly sacrificed him to Me. From this I knew he was up to it, and I could trust him — I could entrust everything to him. It can be said that he was the first repairer to whom the scepter of the future Messiah was entrusted, and therefore I raised him to head of the generations, to God’s great honor, as well as his own and of the peoples.

The same happens in all creatures. It is my usual way to ask for small sacrifices – depriving oneself of a pleasure, of a desire, of a small interest, of a vanity, or detaching oneself from something which seems to do one no harm. These small tests serve as little supports on which to place the great capital of my grace in order to dispose them to accept greater sacrifices. And when the soul is faithful to Me in the small tests, then I abound in grace and ask for greater sacrifices, so as to be able to abound yet more in giving, and I make of her a portent of sanctity. How many sanctities begin from a small sacrifice; and how many, after denying Me a small sacrifice, as it seemed to them that it was something of no importance, have remained scrawny in good, cretinous in comprehending it, weak in walking on the way that leads to Heaven. Poor ones, they can be seen crawling and licking the earth in a way that arouses pity. Therefore, my daughter, it takes greater attention to small sacrifices than to great ones, because the small ones are the strength of the great, dispose God to give grace, and the soul to receive it.


Posted in Luisa Piccarreta, Messages.