Luisa – The Blindness of Leaders Who Want Destruction

There is no other explanation for the deliberate destruction of Western civilization that we are witnessing on all fronts other than: it must be deliberate. Why would NATO continually back Russia into a corner “crossing the red line” and risking a nuclear conflict? Why would Western leaders push “green” energy that is destablizing power grids and driving up energy costs? Why would leaders deliberately experiment on the human population with untested drugs causing the death of millions? Why would leaders uncontrollably open up their borders to migrants who reject Christianity whilst promoting contraception and the abortion of their own populations?

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta answers the question through the window she was given of present-day man-made chastisements unfolding before our very eyes:

I was feeling oppressed, not only because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, but because of the continuous threats of grave chastisements, of nearing wars and revolutions with infernal methods, such as to be horrifying. Oh! God, what pain — to be forced by a supreme power to see these evils, the blindness of the leaders of nations who want the destruction of the peoples, and my impotence in being able to stand before Divine Justice with my pains, to make the peoples be spared so many evils. —May 12, 1927, Vol. 21

Read that again: “the blindness of the leaders of nations who WANT the destruction of the peoples.” Why would anyone want that? The answer that so many souls have been warning about for decades now, is that powerful men believe not only that they have the esoteric knowledge to be the rulers of the world….

When people think they possess the secret of a perfect social organization which makes evil impossible, they also think that they can use any means, including violence and deceit, in order to bring that organization into being. Politics then becomes a “secular religion” which operates under the illusion of creating paradise in this world. —POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Centesimus Annus, n. 25

…but they also believe that the globe is overpopulated. Thus, warned St. John Paul II:

…with time the threats against life have not grown weaker. They are taking on vast proportions. They are not only threats coming from the outside, from the forces of nature or the Cains’ who kill the Abels’; no, they are scientifically and systematically programmed threats. Evangelium Vitae, n. 17

Numerous popes have condemned that “social organization” known as the Freemasons, whose motto is ordo ab chaos — “order out of chaos”. It is the deliberate destruction of something in order to “build back better” — “The Great Reset“, as it is called today. 

…that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view—namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism. —POPE LEO XIII, Humanum GenusEncyclical on Freemasonry, n.10, Apri 20th, 1884

Hence, it appears that the “labor pains” Jesus speaks of in the gospels are actually man-made chastisements (see The Labor Pains: Depopulation?). But He tells Luisa that the eternal good of Redemption far outweighs the temporal preservation from these scourges:

The chastisements were to serve as a call for creatures, as speaking voice, as sentries, in order to shake them from the sleep of sin; as a spur, in order to place them on the way; as light in order to lead them. Therefore, they were also means in order to make them receive the goods of Redemption; and I did not want to destroy these helps. And this is why, in spite of My coming upon earth, the peoples were not completely exempted from the chastisements they deserved. —to Luisa, May 12, 1927, Vol. 21

As Scripture tells us:

Endure your trials as “discipline”; God treats you as sons. For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline? (Hebrews 12:7)

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18)




Posted in Luisa Piccarreta, Marco Ferrari, Maria Esperanza, Medjugorje, Messages, Other Souls, Response to Dr. Miravalle, Sr. Mary Ephrem.