Our Lord Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta on March 7, 1915:
Patience, courage; don’t lose heart! If you knew how much I suffer to [have to] punish men! But the ingratitude of creatures forces Me to do this — their enormous sins, their incredulity, their will to almost challenge Me… And this is the least… If I told you about the religious side… how many sacrileges! How many rebellions! How many pretend to be my children, while they are my fiercest enemies! How many false sons are usurpers, self-interested and unbelievers. Their hearts are bilges of vice. These children will be the first to wage war against the Church; they will try to kill their own Mother… Oh, how many of them are already about to come out in the field! Now there is war among governments; soon they will make war against the Church, and its greatest enemies will be its own children… My Heart is shredded with pain. In spite of all, I will let this storm pass by, and the face of the earth and the churches be washed by the blood of the same ones who smeared and contaminated them. You too, unite yourself to my pain — pray and be patient in watching this storm pass by.