Message from Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on January 4, 2025:
Dearly beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you by Divine Will. Each one of you is a precious pearl for our King and Lord Jesus Christ. As prince of the heavenly host, I order you to give everything for conversion, at this moment, not another—now, before it is too late. Just moving forward in search of becoming a better creature opens your senses so that a change would occur regarding the egocentric mentality with which you are living at this time.
You must learn to respect your neighbor. You criticize your brothers and sisters and do not look at yourselves; you have the capacity to decide how you want to continue your life, choosing between good and evil. Each of you has a free will, using your mind and thoughts; you believe that you govern them, but this is not the case. On the contrary, your thoughts govern you and lead you to fall into sin because you are weak; you do not fast from your tastes or desires for food or drink, and you are guided by base instincts. You must look up and live with the desire to be more spiritual, and you must stop looking at worldly things.
Our King and Lord Jesus Christ knows you. He knows your weaknesses and how you always want to stand out and dominate your brothers and sisters, becoming proud and crushing the humble. In this state, it is more difficult for you to find the right path. This generation will evolve after passing through the sieve of purification; it is the generation that needs to be more spiritual. Those who change their behavior and move away from a worldly mindset towards a more spiritual mindset, looking towards eternal life, will advance, as long as they retain their humility.
Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, changes are occurring one after another in all respects. On the cosmic plane, the changes will be rapid and will have repercussions on Earth: there will be changes to the Earth, its geography will be altered. Deep earthquakes will rip the Earth from the inside, and earthquakes of great intensity will awaken dormant volcanoes. The changes on Earth will happen quickly before the eyes of those who did not believe that the prophecies would be fulfilled. Those who called the instruments of Our Queen and Mother liars and false, and who dared to pass judgment, will look upon them with amazement, in the fulfillment of what these true instruments have announced. Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, know that Christmastide in the Catholic Church begins with the Christmas Eve vigil and ends with the Epiphany of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ on January 6 (cf. Mt. 2:1-12).
Are you aware that diseases are once again keeping the world in suspense? You are living in a time when known and unknown diseases have been spread in some countries, creating a worldwide alert. Children, the desire to reduce the number of human beings living on earth has not stopped, and that is why you are suffering. The air will contaminate you through the misused science used by the powerful to eliminate part of this generation that will divide into two: those who convert and are faithful to the end, and human beings who do not convert and will be their enemies, joining the Antichrist. Some people do not desire the common good, but search for power, and in this search they make their fellow men sick in order to keep them in their homes.
This generation is suffering and will suffer from war. In various countries revolutions will happen like a contagion, one after another. Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you do not want to obey the Commandments of God’s Law. This is the right time for you to renounce “not wanting.” Without Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you cannot travel along the right path. Without Our Queen and Mother, you walk without the maternal consolation that tenderly corrects you.
Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, visit the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, nourish yourselves with the Divine Food come down from heaven (cf. Jn. 6:51-58).
Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray for yourselves.
My heavenly legions are protecting you.
Saint Michael the Archangel
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Commentary of Luz de María
Brothers and sisters, receive blessings at this time when we are still within the liturgical season of Christmas that ends with Epiphany, and when a dangerous threat to health has arisen before humanity. Let us use the Good Samaritan Oil. It is necessary to use what Heaven has given us to protect ourselves at a time when viruses are circulating among us again. Let us remember that heaven has asked us in previous messages to strengthen our bodies in order to keep our defenses high.
Saint Michael the Archangel calls us again to conversion so that our eyes may see and our ears hear. Each one of us must take heaven’s calls seriously and firmly resolve to make amends, which will allow us to be more spiritual and thereby achieve goals that bring us closer to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Queen and Mother. Let us pray and prepare ourselves, faced with the sun’s constant activity, which is becoming more frequent. We are hearing talk of wars and rumors of wars, and when nuclear weapons are used in war, this will not last, because the divine hand will intervene strongly.
Let us strengthen our unity and say with one voice:
Adored be Our King and Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever!