Luz – Combats Are Increasing That Cannot Be Stopped.

Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on July 10, 2024:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I love you little children, I bless you. I ask you to devote some of your daily prayers to humanity (cf. I Tim. 2:1-4). Beloved children of my Divine Son, when humanity speaks of peace, false peace comes and war becomes fiercer. Most countries, as well as their institutions, are in serious conflicts. The institutions that were strong pillars of states and gave them solidity, are now weakened by the concessions to which they have been exposed by their leaders.

In the name of my Divine Son, I call you to pray for one another and not to lose your faith, to live according to the teachings of my Divine Son, to be observers of God’s Law, respecting sound Tradition and practising the sacraments, which are so neglected at this time. Human beings wander from country to country, carrying with them diverse ideologies [1]About false ideologies:, which hasten the fall of what has supported human life.

Countries will be unexpectedly attacked from within, principally in Europe. This will happen at dawn; it will be like a swarm of bees attacking without warning. Various countries will be attacked in Europe [2]Messages about Europe and its countries:. In France, blood will run in the streets. Italy will be surprised by the arrival of troops from communist countries; there will be chaos. England will not be the same country that exhibits luxurious palaces. Luxury will disappear, and everything will be in ruins. The Middle East will be on fire. Combats are increasing that cannot be stopped. Suffering will increase; foreign countries will arrive quickly; and in the blink of an eye, the great conflict will grow. Little children, in North America the Statue of Liberty will be torn down, it will fall into the sea and sink, foreshadowing the suffering of that great nation.

Large and small countries will all suffer due to merciless minds that think only of winning. South America will receive many of my children in search of safety. Before this happens, South America will be purified. Revolution will break out in Argentina [3]Social and racial conflicts:. My Divine Son grieves over this. Brazil will suffer, becoming inflamed. The laughter of the carnivals will be heard no more; human beings will cry out to God for mercy. Chile will suffer severely. My children will look for their families in great desperation. In Colombia, they are about to fall into the hands of those who have no mercy; but they will be assisted by their brother countries.

All this is necessary, little children. It is necessary! You will live in the midst of miracles that will be granted, thanks to the supplication of those who live in prayer (cf. Mk. 10:27). The angelic legions protect them and deliver them from the clutches of the enemy. Faith is necessary. Not fear, not dread, but faith. Beloved children, my Divine Son calls you to be steadfast worshippers. Consecrate your homes to Our Hearts. Those who must leave their homes will feel the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Remain in faith, without despair. You know what you need to know. Continue on the way with your lamp lit (cf. Mt. 25:1-13) with the best oil – faith in the Divine promises. I welcome you as Mother, I protect and bless you. I received you at the foot of the Cross of my Divine Son (Jn. 19:25-27), and I will never forsake you. I bless you, little children. Times of peace and continuous blessing will come.

Mother Mary


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, holding to our faith in the words of Our Blessed Mother and being obedient to her call, let us pray:

Consecration to the Sacred Hearts

(Dictated by the Blessed Virgin Mary, 05.03.2015).


I invite you to pray with one heart:

Here I am, Sacred Heart of Christ. my Redeemer.

Here I am, Immaculate Heart of my Mother of Love.

I come to you repenting of my faults

and trusting that my purpose of amendment

is an opportunity for conversion.

Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Most Holy,

defenders of all humanity,

at this moment, I present myself as your child

to consecrate myself voluntarily to such beloved Hearts.

I am the child who comes pleading for an opportunity

to be forgiven and accepted.

I come forward to consecrate my home voluntarily,

so that it would be a temple where

love, faith, and hope reign,

and where the helpless find refuge and charity.

Here I am pleading for the seal of such Sacred Hearts

upon my person and my loved ones,

and may I relay that great love

to all human beings in the world.

May my home be light and shelter for those who seek consolation;

may it be a serene refuge at all times,

so that, being consecrated to the Most Sacred Hearts,

all that is contrary to the Divine Will would

flee before the doors of my home,

which from now on is a sign of Divine love,

since it has been sealed with the ardent Love

of the Divine Heart of Jesus.



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, World War III.