Luz de Maria – Communism Advances

Our Lord to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on July 30th, 2020:


My beloved People:
I hold you within My Sacred Heart. As a People striving to remain on My way, keep in mind that “My Kingdom is not of this world.” (Jn 18:36) If you seek Me with human logic, you will not find Me, and you will be confused. I show Myself in what is incomprehensible for the world. I have come to transform souls, to seek what the world despises in order to find the precious stone and make of it a light for its brothers and sisters. Children, if you look for Me on the superficial level that you see with human eyes, you will not find Me. I am to be found hidden within the souls of the humble and simple of heart, not in those who claim to possess the absolute truth.
Wake up! They will seek to confuse you with the events that are approaching. What will become of My children if they allow themselves to be troubled?
I call you to be firm, convinced and converted, not to falter at this time when evil is whispering in the ears of My faithful to make them stray from My Way and to make them act and work outside the First Commandment and breach the rest of the Decalogue. Do not decline in Faith; maintain inner peace without throwing the first stone—stand firm, looking inside yourselves where I am to be found. They are seeking to distract you; the Churches are closed, the empty seats and the loneliness within My Church is a foretaste of what is to come: The elimination of the Eucharistic Mystery.
I have called you to pay attention to the advance of Communism; it is not asleep, but advances in union with those who are planning humanity’s enslavement at this moment, seeking global chaos under the cover of famine.
Pray My children, pray, what will emerge from My Church will confuse My Own: stay faithful to the Magisterium of My True Church.*
Pray My children: pray, the shadow of death will reach the bosom of My Church.
Pray My children, the earth will shake with force, with great force.
My Mother, as the Teacher of My children, has constantly called you to “love Me in spirit and in truth. I remain present in each person, in those who work for My Kingdom, in whom I take pleasure.” Do not fear, no matter how serious the times may be. I will send My Angelic Legions to protect those who are Mine: keep the peace. Pray the Holy Rosary to My Mother, pray to Saint Michael the Archangel.
Receive me in total peace with pure hearts. Do not be afraid! I bless you.
Your Jesus


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


*Prophecies about the Church, read …

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Labour Pains.