My beloved people:
I bless you, My children.
I keep you in My heart, in my will, so that you would not resist My Appeals.
Be faithful to Me, remain attentive to My Appeals – spiritual growth is essential so that My People would remain attentive and grounded in what is of Me and thus not surrender to the hordes of Satan.
I love you, My children; do not accept ideologies that cause you to fall into the hands of Satan by means of the tentacles (1) that he is maintaining among people, supported by those who form the world elite, from whom the directives for all human action are coming.
I do not call the world elite only those who by means of economic power buy consciences and issue laws at their whim to overrule My People, but also those who, through the participation of My Church, are subjecting My People to harmful physical bloodshed and at the same time spiritual death, immersing them in modern trends that cause Me great pain.
Be faithful to Me. You should not be considered good Christians – I want excellent Christians, given over to My Will.
Children, you need to evangelize by your presence as creatures living permanently in Me, without becoming fanatical extremists who alienate your brothers and sisters from Me.
I call you to pray for the good of the soul, I call you to evangelize for the sake of personal growth and in order to draw your brothers and sisters closer to Me.
With spiritual growth, the creature grows by being filled with knowledge, but above all in using it for the good of his brothers and sisters, being My very Love and being of My Love, and “the rest shall be added unto you” (Mt 6:33) .
How many of My children are unable to advance spiritually because of maintaining a bitter heart, one that is blind and stubborn in their human ego, pride, greed, indifference to the pain of others… These and other faults in the hearts of human beings are what modernism has injected into My children in order to harden them and make them look to themselves.
This is the plan of the single government: wake up, my children (2) – individualizing the human being until each one of you forms your own temple inside yourselves, so that you become independent from Me.
I invite you to be firm in the Faith, not to deny me, to be true, to respect the true Magisterium of My Church.
I invite you to be firm in your love for My Mother.
I invite you to invoke the protection of your Guardian Angels, without forgetting My beloved Saint Michael the Archangel.
Be brave and tireless, do not falter in your love for Me; be tireless in your devotion to Me.
The harvest is approaching – not the Final Judgment of the Nations, but of this generation, after the fulfilment of the Prophecies that have been decreed by Divine Will, not without first having granted My People the opportunity for conversion by means of the Warning.
My dearly beloved People:
My Heart grieves at seeing you indifferent and seeing the enemy of the soul moving freely in the midst of all humanity.
I grieve for My children who suffer from so many atrocities being committed by human power.
I grieve as the Father of Love over the war that is approaching, before the pain that you continue to suffer due to misused science that spreads diseases indiscriminately, and I grieve over the unexpected and unknown diseases that man himself will spread by being prey to the sins of the flesh.
My People, dearly beloved People of My Heart, stop, do not continue to offend me!
My Mother offers Her tears for each one of you.
My Mother received you at the Foot of My Cross of Glory to guide and protect you, respecting the free will of each of My own.
My people, in the face of the calamities in which you are living and those to come, pay attention to what is happening around you; shelter yourselves, protect yourselves.
The Devil is shaking My People, but My beloved People are protected by the Shield of My Mother’s Love, before which the Demon will flee, and My Own will see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. For this you must remain immovable in the Faith.
Beloved people, pray, the earth will continue to shake: pray for the United States, pray for Central America.
Beloved people, pray, the water of the ocean will hurtle towards the coast; islands and volcanoes will emerge from the sea, making My children afraid.
My People, My Mother will regale you with a miracle, one of those that only she knows how to give to those who love her.
I have called you to wait for My Angel of Peace (3) whom I will send so that My People may be strengthened and not falter any more. Love Him – do not say to yourselves: “I am the one… He is here or there”, because the one whom I am sending will come at the time of Our Will.
This is a time of testing and of Divine and maternal love.
Wait patiently with the same patience as Our Trinity.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in him may not perish but have eternal life”(Jn 3:16).
Do not doubt My Love for each one of My children: doubt the love with which you love Me.
I bless you, I love you with eternal love!
I am your God and you are My People.
Your Jesus
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
These are words of Love for a People loved by their Lord and their God. Before they take place, the events have been announced to us through these Messages. Our experience of Divine Love is like honey hidden within this Word in order to captivate us, to keep us in Divine Love, no matter how serious the events to come may be. It is precisely the wisdom of that Divine Love that announces the pain to come with such sweetness, leading us to await with patience and Faith the time of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother. As God’s People we receive this oil in order to continue with our lamps lit and not live in darkness. Amen.
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.