Luz – Everyone Must Change, Everyone Must Change!

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on July 4, 2024:

Beloved children of My Sacred Heart, I bless you with My Precious Blood, which gives eternal life, life in abundance and which grants you redemption. You have free will; it is the responsibility of each one of My children to accept the many graces and good things that I have bequeathed to them, or to reject them (cf. Jn. 1:16-17).

My beloved children, you must use your conscience to save your souls by managing to examine your actions and deeds during the course of your lives. It is good that great intellectuals instruct My children, but I do not want great intellectuals, great orators, or great thinkers, if they do not approach Me with humility, if they do not call their brothers and sisters to become aware of the decisive time in which they are living and the spiritual emergency in which they find themselves.

My beloved children, this generation is tasting its own gall, living through peace’s dying moments. How I suffer for My children, how I suffer for this generation! I invite you to see clearly what is happening in humanity – not in some countries, but in all of humanity, infected with anger. My children, you do not need a war to attack one another. You have allowed pride to grow within you, being the origin of all evil. The scenario of the Third World War has grown; it will not be stopped!

Pray and make reparation. Science has been used in order to create evil. The creation of powerful weapons to be used for achieving supremacy is what the human race has brought about. Little children, prayer is most important! I hear your prayers when they are born of a repentant, sincere heart. Everyone must change, everyone must change! Everyone has a weakness in their temperament, in their way of being, in their way of reacting (cf. II Cor. 12:7-9).

Pray, My children; pray for Central America.

Pray, My children; pray for Europe.

I carry you in My Heart. I bless you all. I love you.

Your Jesus


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Lord Jesus Christ has spoken to us and for those of us who believe that this is the divine word, this makes us prostrate ourselves before divine love. Our Lord lets us see clearly that the responsibility for salvation is personal and that we must have greater awareness, remembering that with His death on the Cross, He gave us redemption. What more can we ask for? After committing bad acts, we come before the Lord asking for mercy, but we need to be aware that it is our responsibility to change, and we must constantly see what our habits are at every moment in order to stop deceiving ourselves, because we know how to recognize whether we are doing evil or good. Let us admit our wrongdoing and change it while there is still time. Let us ask ourselves:

What annoys us?

What do we carry within us that leads us to disturb our brothers and sisters?

What do the majority of our brothers and sisters not like about us?

Let us become aware in order to change ourselves today, not those around us, because time is short, and we must save our souls. Let us be creatures of peace and love; what comes out of our mouth should be thought out beforehand and meditated upon within us in the light of the Holy Spirit, not coming from our spoilt and often poorly educated ego. Let us prepare ourselves for times of difficulty; it will be a totally different time that we will have to live through – nothing will be the same as today.  We are at the point prior to war on a global scale, when everything is changing, and man lives in the midst of the decisions of the powerful of the earth. We know that the nations have already prepared to defend themselves or to launch the great offensive, until the Hand of God allows the fulfillment of what has been announced, stopping the war so that man does not totally destroy God’s creation.


May you be adored, Our Lord, adored for all eternity.

You are the mighty one among the mighty, He who is above every creature.

Before Your power, everything falls down, and what must rise up rises up,

for You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

May the honor, the power, and the glory be Yours, forever and ever.



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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.