Luz – Go to the Confessional

Message of St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 6, 2024:

I come to you by Divine Will. Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you are loved by the Father’s House. You are the Apple of the Divine Eye[1]Cfr. Zech. 2: 8-9, and as children, you must respond with your works and your acts to such infinite Divine Love. 

Humanity is undermined by evil, the human being is weak, and the evil one enters the thoughts of man, corroding his beliefs, his morals, and his faith. Blinded humanity does not respond by seeing or experiencing the passage of natural disasters or those caused by man. 

Diseases are already proliferating; they appear in one place and another to stop human beings in their coming and going. You already know what awaits you…. 

Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, nature is destroyed by man, and man reaps the consequences of his actions. The water of the seas is entering onto the earth; places where it did not tremble before will experience shaking. Do you wish to know how to mitigate the scourges that await you? 

Repent and ask God for forgiveness for so many offenses and aberrations, for so much sacrilege and closeness with the devil, for disobedience of the Commandments and sacraments, and for disobeying the teachings of Holy Scripture. Ask forgiveness for the normalcy with which you accept depravity in all aspects and join sects that go against the Divine Law. 

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, prepare yourselves to face the diseases that are emerging. You have already been warned and continue not to obey. Prepare yourselves! These diseases increase through infected creatures and spread through the air via saliva. These diseases affect the respiratory system, even if you are told they do not. Maintain good hygiene, be cautious in treating the sick. Be insistent on proper nutrition and protecting the immune system. 

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: the country of the Eagle enters into political upheaval, its soil shakes strongly.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: Mexico knows of earthquakes, but not like the one that is approaching.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: Japan is strongly shaken to the point of dividing its land.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: when you hear of peace, be assured that war comes without warning from one moment to the next by surprise. 

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for Brazil, it continues its purification.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for all mankind; you will be in suspense. Be converted!… Every day, be converted![2]Cfr. 1 Jn. 1:9 

Be better children of God and greater human beings, treating your brother and sister with the love with which you are treated by God. Be true children of God. Your neighbor is a fundamental part of the works and deeds that you will present in your hands before God at the end of your life[3]Cfr. Mt. 25: 31-46

Go to the confessional, receive Our King and Lord in the Holy Eucharist, and allow Him to live in each one of you. For those who do not walk the road to Calvary, united to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, it is difficult, very difficult, to know pain, to love God above all things, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. 

You must remain spiritually healthy. Spirituality has rules:

The first: to walk with God and live for God in His most Holy Will. This is not acquired in a few days or months, but continues until the creature lives only in and for God. 

The second: to love Our Queen and Mother and to ask her to be the mother of all, and the teacher who leads you to her Divine Son. Thus, being like the Most Blessed Mother, you will know how to deal with your neighbor and respect him or her as a child of God. 

Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you must change for the better. You cannot continue to live in obstinacy. Continue in Divine Love. 

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, this call of our beloved St. Michael the Archangel is, at the same time, a call to reflect on our actions and deeds, one so indispensable for the spiritual well-being not only of ourselves, but also of our neighbor. We do not want to see the evil we do, nor the evil in which we live. 

St. Michael the Archangel speaks to us of the water of the seas that enters onto the land, which causes the level of the rivers to also increase. We see how in many countries, entire populations are flooded and where the water causes real disasters. This should be for us a sign of what is happening on earth, and perhaps we will see, with great astonishment, very important places for our spiritual and also material life being affected. 

We are warned again of the diseases that are appearing and will appear: some are man-made, others are not, but they are already circulating, and we must protect ourselves, and at the same time, continue to fight for personal conversion to be part of the conversion of our brothers and sisters. 

We must listen and put into practice the hygiene that is required for us to maintain in order to attend to and care for a sick person properly. 

We are watching how the earth has cracked in some countries and how St. Michael the Archangel warns us about large earthquakes, which have been announced for several countries in the world. 

In spite of so much purification we must grow in faith to increase our spiritual strength, not to renounce Our Lord Jesus Christ, but as St. Michael the Archangel tells us, to walk with faith beside our Lord Jesus Christ on the way to Calvary—not to die on the Cross, but to rise to new life, where Christ is all in all. Amen. 

I invite you to pray to St. Michael the Archangel: 

Mighty Archangel, defender of the Throne of God. 
I pray at this moment that you come to me, 
I ask you to be my defender and 
the defender of mine, and of the whole world. 

With humility I beg you, beloved Archangel Michael, 
to protect me from all evil, 
and in the face of the adversity of this moment, 
may you always keep me 
by the side of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. 

Deliver me, I pray, so that I may not be defeated in temptations, 
but in the likeness of Our Queen and Mother, 
be faithful at all times. 
Keep me in this “Yes” to the Divine Will. 

St. Michael the Archangel, come, I beg of you. 
Show me the path to keep the faith; 
teach me fidelity to God at all times. 
Give me wisdom when I do not understand the affairs of heaven 
and strength to endure in trials. 

Illumine my path when the light grows dim, 
and it is difficult for me to see. 
Sustain me so that in the face of adversity, I may not fall to the ground 
and my strength diminish. 

Come, St. Michael the Archangel, lift me up with your wings 
and make me breathe the Divine Love 
that comforts, nourishes and encourages me 
to continue loving the King of Kings. 

Thank you, beloved Saint Michael the Archangel, 
protector of humanity. 
Bring before the Trinitarian Throne my humble outcry, 
and tell so great a Majesty that this little creature of His 
desires to die loving Him and to be ever faithful to Him; 
but because of my littleness, I need His Divine Help and His Protection, 
I need the Motherly Love of Mary, and You, St. Michael. 




1 Cfr. Zech. 2: 8-9
2 Cfr. 1 Jn. 1:9
3 Cfr. Mt. 25: 31-46
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.