Luz – I Invite You to Stay at Home and Pray…

Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on December 16, 2024:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, receive my love in all its fullness. You are the dearly beloved children of my divine Son. As the date of my divine Son’s birth approaches, you must make the effort to offer an action or several actions that will make partial amends for what you have done that is not pleasing to my Divine Son. It is very difficult for a person to make a resolution and fulfill it; as Mother, I ask you to begin, as of today, to change your character. If you have a strong character, offer it up and do not let yourselves be carried away by emotions that lead you to fall into the great sin of pride or believing that you know everything. Those who find it difficult to stop giving their opinions on everything around them should refrain from acting in this way and should offer silence.

From now on, my children who enjoy always murmuring about their brothers and sisters should no longer do so. In this way, they will silence the devil himself, who leads them into such personal behavior. Those who do not accept their brothers and sisters who have different ways of acting and behaving should offer to love their brothers, together with his personality and tastes, as long as he is not acting and behaving contrary to the salvation of the soul.

Each person has his or her own path, and you must try to make peace reign among everyone from now on. For this generation it is extremely important to maintain peace, because where peace is lost, the enemy of the soul enters and takes away tranquility until he achieves his goal. The purpose of evil is division, and you must resolve not to allow division, wherever you find yourselves.

Very difficult times are approaching for you, my little children, and it is very important that you be creatures of peace, in order for you to be able to overcome everything that is approaching. Those of you who can fast from food should do so, so that depriving yourselves of the foods you usually like the most will help you to be creatures of peace. Those who cannot fast for various reasons should fast from going out of the house or from eating what they like most, fasting from what they do daily and do not doing it on that day.

Little children, you must keep yourselves spiritually prepared for what is to come, otherwise it will be extremely difficult for you to survive in the midst of what will take place. Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I love you; you are my children. The forces of men of science have united on various sides to attack humanity from various angles. Evil knows that it will be betrayed and that in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. That is why it will make use of its diabolical devices with the desire to cause all kinds of pain and suffering for this generation.

Pray, my children; pray that disease, which is spreading rapidly without being stopped, would not wreak havoc.

Pray, my children, pray; the sun is keeping humanity in suspense.

Pray, my children, pray; the earth will continue to shake strongly. Pray for one another. 

Pray, my children, pray; the elements are coming forcefully, and you will see phenomena that you have never seen before.

The elements will take new directions, displaying great force. You will be amazed at what you will see; earth, water, air and fire will bring great and unknown scourges. Some powerful rulers will fall, and my children in the streets will cry out for justice; I invite you to stay at home and pray for peace to return. Beloved children, my Divine Son is infinitely merciful and protects you; you need to be worthy of that protection. Humanity is in great danger; the spiritual battle for the salvation of souls is continuous (cf. Eph. 6:11-13; I Pet. 5:8-9). The heavenly armies remain on alert to defend you; your guardian angels protect you; you should make this possible by walking toward conversion.

Humanity is not aware of the spiritual struggle that exists at this time between the forces of evil and the forces of good; it is a fight for souls. Everything that you see or hear happening is due to this battle for souls. The devil has gone into a rage and is continually lashing out against God’s people. How many of my children are going down wrong paths; and when they find themselves oppressed by evil, unable to work or act for themselves, they will see the great error into which they have fallen!

Come, little children, my Divine Son awaits you with His infinite love and mercy. I call you to be humble, to forgive, and to go forth (cf. Mt. 6, 14; Mt. 18, 21-22). Come, I am your intercessor, I love you with all my maternal love. Walk toward my Divine Son.

Mother Mary


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, in this call, Our Blessed Mother is clear with us and gives us the right instructions for us to change our way of being. Our Mother tells us that we cannot continue on the path of conversion if we do not change our way of being. Christ left us His clear and precise teachings: we have to love our neighbor and not impose our tastes, our thoughts, our way of being on others, because we will have too many problems and run the risk of not being accepted by other people. We have free will and therefore believe that we are free to assume that our brothers and sisters should be like us. This is not the case, brothers and sisters—we do not have the right to change others so that they would be as we are. It is one thing to help our brothers and sisters to know Christ, and it is another thing to demand that our brothers be or like only what we like. Our Blessed Mother calls us to be attentive regarding what is coming for humanity. She warns us about earthquakes, which will continue; she calls us to be attentive to the elements because they will unleash their fury against the human race; she tells us that we will see aspects of the elements unknown to us and which will now appear.  She also emphasizes the time in which we are living as humanity, when we are called not to stray from the right path, because without divine help, we are nothing.

We find ourselves in the development of nuclear war, and yet there are so many brothers and sisters who ignore what is happening, because they do not give credence to anything that occurs. This is what causes so many brothers and sisters to fall into ignorance, because they continue living as they please. Now we are seeing, not only the tip, but half of the nuclear iceberg. If only they would believe, if they would believe and we would all pray and be aware of the catastrophe of a nuclear war, and all join in pleading for war to stop, perhaps it would be stopped. But on the contrary, human beings are walking in the anger that fills the air and do not want to extinguish the flame of war. Brothers and sisters, we are living at the end of this generation, and the heavenly court is protecting us, because this war, besides being a war with dangerous weaponry, has roots that are primarily spiritual. This war is for souls, which is why we must above all save the soul. Let us save souls, brothers and sisters, because true life is not lived here.




Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, St. Faustina.