Luz – It Is Not The Person Who Prays More Who Is Greater…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on July 15, 2024:

My beloved children, I love you with eternal love, I love you all. I pour out My mercy on those who come before Me in true repentance and with a firm intent to amend their lives. Pray, little children, pray in season and out of season; this is an infinite good for you. Come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, receive Me in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Your communions need to be received in a true state of awareness, knowing that every time you receive Me, the earth shines, and from My House, we see the light reflected by the soul, the light of My love (cf. Jn. 12:35-36).  It is not the person who prays more who is greater, but the greatest of My children is the one who gives fully to me, the one who makes Me feel loved and who walks in My truth (cf. Jn. 8:31-32).

My children, the shadow of evil is moving throughout the earth at every opportunity, and you must remain on spiritual alert so that it would not make you fall or make you indifferent to daily events. You must know what is happening to humanity; you cannot live as part of humanity and be indifferent to daily events. You will know of undue peace agreements between nations at war. These would be reliable if the purpose were the common good, but the latter has been lost throughout humanity, and even more so in the great nations. The weapons that have not come to light are so destructive that My children will suffer so much when a leader of a global power decides to activate one of these weapons, which will lead humanity, in general, to suffer the unthinkable. Love has disappeared from within most men.

The struggle for world supremacy has eclipsed everything at this moment; they even banish Me from My creation, feeling that they are God, thinking that I do not watch them work and act. I come with My mercy and with My justice at the same time. I am love, not injustice; “I Am who I Am” (Ex. 3:14), and I will stop what I must stop. They will not destroy the earth (cf. Phil. 2:5-11). The devil does not possess more power than I do. You must understand this in order to stand firm. The devil tempts my children with his destructive cunning and has managed to penetrate the minds of great scientists who have created what science today will use to cause evil, killing man himself.

You will see grave global incidents. The lives of some world leaders remain in danger, as was recently the case, and My Blessed Mother alerted you in advance. When death should not arise in the life of one of My children, in general it does not arise, even though everything seems to be against them. Miracles happen when it is My Will, so that the human being would convert and work and act for the good of humanity and for the good of his or her soul and thus be saved and attain eternal life. Pay attention, My little ones, pay attention! Humanity is wading in shifting waters because of its lack of faith in My Word, because of its failure to observe the Commandments and the sacraments. Its heart is hardened, and its thoughts lead it towards evil, nullifying the common good.

Pray, My children, pray; danger threatens various leaders of powerful nations who find themselves in the sights of silent enemies who wish to put them to death.

Pray, My children, pray, humanity is in chaos; it has become confused due to its meagre or totally absent faith in Me, and institutions have become fragmented.

Pray, My children, pray; the destiny of humanity has been set by man himself by separating himself from Me.

Pray, My children, pray; on high you will see an unknown light that is not friendly towards the earth.

Pray, My children, pray; remain on alert; the great nations will be shaken again and again—they will suffer.

Pray, My children, pray; the great volcanoes are becoming active.

Pray, My children, pray; the country of the Eagle will go into internal chaos.

My beloved children, humanity has entered into the full unfolding of events already announced by My House. There is constant news.

Pray, My children, pray for the youth who are competing*; evil does not stop.

My love calls you and attracts you: come to Me without resisting. May My blessing be one of unshakable faith within each one of you. You are My great treasure.

Your Jesus


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


 * This is most likely a reference to athletes competing in the Olympic Games in Paris and the threat of a terrorist attack.


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to us subtly, but He wants us to analyze the message so that we would understand what He is making known to us. The destiny of the nations is marked by man himself who thinks that what is best is what he has in mind; but it may be what is farthest from reality, which God alone knows. Ideologies and confusion are doing harm to those who are not focused on faith. Society has taken it upon itself to lead humanity to think that it is the master of the destiny of the nations.

Our Lord warns us about the devil who does not rest, doing evil while we the children of God are asleep. The devil preys on those who are in confusion and who stop believing in the Most Holy Trinity, in Our Blessed Mother, and in the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, defender of the Church. That is why, in these critical moments for humanity, when we are hanging by a thread, St. Michael the Archangel and Our Blessed Mother have great relevance for us. They have been given the power to fight against the infernal enemy—the Antichrist and his tentacles, whatever they may be.

Brothers and sisters, we are very important for the destiny of humanity, and since we are all children of God, we have a day to be born and a day to die. When we are given the blessing of continuing to live, this is so that we would pause on our way and repair the evil committed or the good omitted. Starting from where we are, each one of us has to do the best for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters.

Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me and told me that it is not His Will that humanity should perish, nor that the earth be destroyed by man. That is why He will intervene with His justice at the moment when the Antichrist is acting in public and war has become widespread. Our Lord will intervene in order to show His glory, His power, and so that we as human beings would be certain that God is God and we are His People. Perhaps this will happen by allowing the Warning, because sins abound.

Brothers and sisters, let us thank Our Lord Jesus Christ for being so merciful.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.