Luz – Revelation Of The Second Secret.

Message of Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 1, 2024:


I come to you sent by the Most Holy Trinity. I am the prince of the heavenly host. All human beings are very much loved by God and guarded by each one of my heavenly legions.  You are God’s great treasure. Even if you do not love Him, God loves you. Even if you do not call Him, God calls you. Even if you do not recognize Him, God recognizes you. For His mercy is infinite, as His power and His omnipotence are infinite. Humanity does not understand such greatness and such divine power! There have been so many difficult moments in the history of humanity, especially as regards spirituality, and yet not everyone has understood such greatness in a single power! (cf. I Chron. 29:11-13; Col. 2:9-10).

Children of the Most Holy Trinity, if ever in the history of humanity there has been a conceited, difficult, proud, disoriented and disobedient generation, it is this one of which you are a part and which is holding all creation in suspense at this time (cf. Rom. 8:19-22). Children of the Most Holy Trinity, the times, the times that so many of you wished would come, have arrived! Those who wish to save their souls must commit to a spiritual change, which they will only achieve by growing spiritually, by drawing closer to Our Lord and God. Then you will be able to go forward and keep the faith, even in the fiercest moments of persecution.

The great war in the Middle East will intensify; the darkness will be taken advantage of to invade great cities of Europe without warning. Italy will be taken by surprise; by land and by air fire will suddenly come. Great ships will arrive. Almost of out breath, men will disembark and enter the land, and laments will be heard. Bombs falling from airplanes into the water of the sea will cause a tsunami that will lash the land of various countries, causing death. Many countries will join the war; human loss will be incalculable. You will see death taking so many human beings that the lamentation will not stop. Many countries will unite, advancing across the continents.  

The conflicts will not cease until our King and Lord Jesus Christ intervenes and the awaited and dreaded day arrives, the day of divine justice, and He who is ‘the beginning and the end’ (Rev. 1:8) will place His hand upon the earth and fire will fall from heaven. Human beings will be fearful of this great power, leading some to blaspheme and others to become aware that, in the face of disobedience, God allows man to punish himself. Many will repent, tearing their garments, and conversion will occur.  

Many souls will be saved by repenting of their sins committed, and in the face of the spiritual struggle between good and evil, men will not want to follow the Antichrist, who will previously have taken many souls with him, having denied the Holy Eucharist, having closed the churches after having carried out great persecutions, and having committed grave sacrileges. Children of the Most Holy Trinity, the time is coming when our Queen and Mother, together with my celestial legions, will pursue the Antichrist and his followers in order to free humanity from evil. Our Queen and Mother will triumph and will cast and bind the devil into the lake of fire, from which he will not be able to come out.

Now I call you to be creatures of peace. Control yourselves, do not hurt your brothers and sisters, be correct in your daily works and actions, and be fraternal. Dedicate this moment to growing in the Spirit. Resemble Christ, and at the same time, prepare materially insofar as each of you is able, without falling into despair if you are unable to prepare. A crumb of bread will be multiplied and will not run out. Famine will take hold of the nations as part of what evil is hiding in order to subdue you. Do not despair; you have the blessed grapes, and where you do not have grapes, use another solid fruit. But above all, you have the Holy Eucharist which strengthens you. It will satisfy your hunger and keep you in great peace. In those times, the angels themselves will give nourishment to the innocent.

Our Queen and Mother under the title of the Queen and Mother of the End Times will be seen by many of you, being a consolation for the soul and bringing nourishment to men so that they would not despair. Those who live in adoration of the Most Holy Trinity will have left hunger behind; they will live in adoration wherever they must remain. Not being afraid, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, but clinging to divine greatness, continue on the path that leads to eternal life. I bless you as the captain of the heavenly host who, under the protection of Our Queen and Mother, will not abandon you. May the blessings of heaven be poured out upon all humanity, especially upon those who suffer injustice and who suffer from tyranny and war. I bless you, we protect you.

St. Michael the Archangel  


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, it is the desire of the Most Holy Trinity to reveal today the second of the five secrets revealed on January 5, 2013, which were given to me by the grace of God and Our Queen and Mother and under the protection of St. Michael the Archangel. I was shown a hill towering above all places on earth, as the second secret was revealed to me:

And on that hill was standing Our Blessed Mother with St. Michael the Archangel beside her. Our Blessed Mother introduces me to a man and tells me: he is the one who is coming to scourge humanity, the one who comes from a place located between three continents; raised and educated in his own country, he has succeeded in becoming influential abroad.

His name is Alex, but he will be known by another name.  This is the Antichrist.

Brothers and sisters, let us not wander in search of countries or persons; let us wait with holy patience so as not to fall into sin. Heaven wants us to know that the Antichrist exists and that he is ready to fulfill his mission.


(*) Revelation of the First Secret

(*) About the secrets:

(*) About the Antichrist

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Period of the Anti-Christ.