Luz – The Angel of Peace Is Being Sent by The Most Holy Trinity…

Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 19, 2024:

My beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, receive my blessing. You continue living outside of the reality toward which you are heading. You have moved away from discernment in search of comfort. Prayer is necessary.[1]Let Us Pray With One Heart prayer booklet Prayer is a blessing for each one of you. Prayer feeds your spirituality. In prayer, you meet my Divine Son, the archangels, angels, holy ones and saints of your devotion. Do you want a new life? Without the help of prayer, it will be more difficult for you to find the path of that new life, necessary to strengthen a firm and strong faith. Whoever does not pray, finds that his or her personal path is more difficult. Prayer and the Holy Eucharist soften a hard, indifferent heart. My children, wake up to the reality in which you live!

 The shadow of war is covering more countries. There are those who are taking sides and deciding to support one or another country in conflict. Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, it is important that you understand that our most beloved Angel of Peace [2]ie. a person; may be a reference to the so-called “Great Monarch” that has been referenced in older prophecies; cv. Revelations regarding the Angel of Peace is being sent by the Most Holy Trinity to help this generation. At the most critical moment of mankind, he will be the help and defender of the Word of My Divine Son against the Antichrist and his tentacles. Our beloved angel of peace is a young man who will overcome the Antichrist.*** He attracts human beings who distort the Word of Sacred Scripture. The Angel of Peace is protected by the angelic legions under the command of St. Michael the Archangel and of your Mother. Our most beloved angel of peace will live with you, children of my immaculate heart. Our most beloved angel of peace will reach the majority of human beings who need him.

This generation is full of selfishness, evil, anger, unbelief, so much so that they do not believe in “Divine Revelation” because of their pride. They feel superior to my Divine Son. I mourn for them, I love them, they are my children. Therefore, I call them to prayer, to repentance, to the fulfillment of the Law of God, and to comply with the sacraments and other objectives that elevate the spirit of my children towards my Divine Son. Beloved of My Divine Son, the sun [3]Effects of the sun on the earth, read… will not be so kind to the Earth. It will cast its heat so strongly towards the Earth that you will live again without communications, without electricity, without the conveniences of this time. This will not be for long, so be prepared; we have warned you in advance. Have something to create light, and prepare some food, especially for the children and the elderly.

Remain vigilant! Tell those who do not know about the war. Tell them about the darkness that is coming to Earth. Warn your brothers and sisters, without entering into discord. Pray children of my Immaculate Heart, pray. This generation will know what it is to live in darknes. But, at the same time, you will know the Messenger of My Divine Son, our beloved Angel of Peace. Not all will believe in him and will despise him. Those who are prayerful will manage to recognize him and after a powerful moment, he will be welcomed and will walk towards his brothers and sisters who will need him. Pray, children of my Immaculate Heart, pray. Once again, you suffer because of the wind and the water. Be devoted to praying the Holy Trisagion; it is very important.

Pray, children of my Immaculate Heart; pray for one another, pray with the heart.

Pray, children of my Immaculate Heart; pray for those who must remain close to our most beloved Angel of Peace.

Pray, children of my Immaculate Heart; pray so that ignorance will not take hold of my children.

I bless you. I carry you in my Heart. Adore My Divine Son (cf. Jn. 4:23-24).

Mother Mary 


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, our Blessed Mother gives us the strength to continue adoring the Holy Trinity. Let us be prayerful human beings and followers of the Divine Word; let us put prayer into practice by fulfilling the works of mercy. Brothers and sisters, great events are approaching that will affect mankind. Therefore, let us believe that prayer is a source of love that falls upon our brothers and sisters. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, great miracles have occurred and will continue to occur. Let us believe, let us be sons and daughters of God, people of firm faith who, protected by our Most Holy Mother, continue to rise when we fall. The love and Word of our Lord Jesus Christ are words of eternal life. Let us take seriously and respectfully what Our Blessed Mother warns us of!





1 Let Us Pray With One Heart prayer booklet
2 ie. a person; may be a reference to the so-called “Great Monarch” that has been referenced in older prophecies; cv. Revelations regarding the Angel of Peace
3 Effects of the sun on the earth, read…
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.