Luz – The Most Holy Trinity Will Guide Their Children With Their Angels…

Message from Saint Raphael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on January 9, 2025:

Children of the Most Holy Trinity, receive blessings. I come to call you to remain conscious of the great love of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother; you must hasten to consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Hearts [1]Downloadable prayer booklet:. Man will seek refuges to hide from darkness, war, persecution, but to find them you must remain on a constant path of conversion.

The Most Holy Trinity will guide Their children with Their Angels to the refuges, if necessary, since some homes will be a shelter for difficult times. Children, do not be afraid of not reaching a refuge; if you keep the faith and convert, you will be taken to the refuges prepared by Order of the Trinity. You must remain humble: “he who thinks he knows everything, knows nothing” (cf. I Cor. 8:2-3); the one who knows everything is the person who is humble of heart.

Do not live in confusion—be faithful to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Do not be divided as a Mystical Body—division brings forward the arrival of the Antichrist [2] Read about the Antichrist:.

Beloved, Keep the remedies from Heaven [3]Medicinal plants – downloadable booklet: at hand; they are necessary for defending yourselves against created viruses. Use all that heaven has given you for being healed of the viruses that will surprise you. The fog appearing in some countries, the extreme heat at other latitudes, the continuous rain in other places—all these extreme and unusual states will bring with them the viruses in the air so that humanity will fall ill.

Pray without ceasing, pray the Holy Rosary, do not only devote yourself to personal prayers at this time. The prayer of the Holy Rosary is urgent, since it is carried as incense by the angels in a special way to the Paternal Throne. Understand that the Mother of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, our Queen and Mother, is an intercessor before Her Divine Son, and each one of you must keep our Queen and Mother very close. I have been sent not only to protect the physical health, but also the spiritual health of all of you. Children of the Most Holy Trinity, do not forget the remedies of heaven—keep them close.

I bless you.

Saint Raphael the Archangel


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, united in prayer, let us consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Hearts:


Consecration to the Sacred Hearts

(Dictated by the Blessed Virgin Mary, 5.3.2015)


I invite you to pray in one Heart:

Here I am, Sacred Heart of Christ, my Redeemer.

Here I am, Immaculate Heart of my Mother of Love.

I present myself, repenting of my faults

and confident that my purpose of amendment

is an opportunity for conversion.


Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Most Holy,

defenders of all humanity,

at this moment I present myself as your child

to consecrate myself voluntarily to such beloved Hearts.

I am the child who comes begging for an opportunity

to be forgiven and welcomed.


I present myself to voluntarily consecrate my home,

so that it may be a temple where love, faith and hope reign

and where the helpless may find refuge and charity.

Here I am, begging for the seal of such Sacred Hearts

on my person and on my loved ones,

and may I relay that great love

to all human beings in the world.


May my home be light and shelter for those who seek

comfort, may it be a serene refuge at all times,

so that, consecrated to the Most Holy Hearts,

everything that is contrary to the Divine Will,

may flee before the doors of my home,

which from this moment on is a sign of Divine Love,

since it has been sealed with the ardent Love

of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Amen.


To God be the Glory for ever and ever. Amen.


We praise Our Most Holy Mother for Her ‘Yes’ to God.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Time of Refuges.