Luz – The Third Secret

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 30, 2024:


Beloved children of My Sacred Heart,

You are My great treasure. The life of my children and their redemption I paid for with My Blood on the Cross… (cf. 1 Tim. 2:5-7; Eph. 1:7-8)

But it is the duty of each one of you not to go against My Law and to make yourself worthy of eternal life.

A very great darkness is advancing upon the Earth. When everything is ready, the great darkness will fall upon all the world. This darkness will descend at the moment least expected. Many of my children will not reach their homes because they will find themselves in the hustle and bustle of the world.

Fidelity to My Word and to My designs is indispensable so that you will not be confused. My Law is one, and you cannot alter it. Whoever changes it is anathema (cf. Gal. 1: 6-9). Do not allow yourselves to be confused. The evil one wishes to divert My people’s course. 

My children, you must get yourselves ready, now! The salvation of your soul is imperative… The examination of conscience is indispensable… The one who is not love, who does not possess Christian charity, is far from My Will.

You must not be a source of pain for your brothers and sisters, but one of blessing. Be, at all times, bearers of My Word, of consolation, of charity, of forgiveness, of hope, and of faith.

Little children, you must prepare yourselves spiritually and materially. Prepare yourselves now!

Water will run out quickly. The water sources will be contaminated so that you, My children, might not survive without drinking water. But each one of you knows where to find the water of Eternal Life, the source of water that does not end (cf. Jn. 7:37-39). You can investigate other ways of obtaining water from nature.

My children, there is no time for you to continue without paying attention to My calls. It is necessary for each one of you to store what you can in a safe place, while you have time to do so. It is important to have everything prepared and taken care of, as the famine is going to be severe.

Children, this war is not going to stop. It is an atrocious war. This war will severely affect faith, food, and the economy.

Today, I ask my daughter Luz de María to reveal the Third Secret (*) given to her by My mother:

The Antichrist takes power over humanity, which is given to him by the elite, in total and absolute secrecy, starting on the second day of October, 2024. From then on, the suffering of all mankind will increase.

I call you to pray intensely, that day [and whenever you read this message], the Holy Rosary, the Creed, and the Holy Trisagion.

This Secret consists of two signs:

1) You will live anguish on Earth. Confusion will be complete for those who remain lukewarm.

2) The Most Holy Sorrow has arrived. I am betrayed a second time by those closest to Me.

Beloved children, pray. Prepare yourselves by confessing your sins. Receive Me and keep the faith.

You know that my daughter, Luz de María, is not given dates; but this one will remain written in the history of humanity and Christianity.

Pray, My children: pray in season and out of season.

Pray My children, pray: My Instruments, protect yourselves.

Pray My children, pray: Europe suffers devastation by nature.

Continue holding My Mother’s hand; be infants of her womb, at her breast.

Those who thought they knew everything will realize that they know nothing.
Humility is the stamp of My children. The proud must lower their heads.

Love and humility, little children. Help each other, grow spiritually. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Keep your faith firm.

I bless you in a special way, little children. I will not leave you. Pray to My Mother, she holds you by her hand. My heavenly hosts are already protecting you. I love you with Eternal Love.

—Your Jesus

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

(*) About the Secrets, read…


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters,

Our Lord has asked me to make known the Third Secret of the five that were revealed to me.

As you have read in this day’s message, Our Lord makes known to us what is unknown to most of humanity. This is not about the public appearance of the Antichrist before humanity, but in total privacy, the elite hand over to him, this October 2, 2024, the power that he will soon exercise over all humanity.

This is a very serious step, since we will enter into a more aggressive activity on the part of the allies of the Antichrist and the economic machinery that supports him to invade the human being. This invasion is spiritual to steal souls, and physical to take human beings captive, annulling their free will to work and act.

This Third Secret consists of two signs that are intertwined with the secret. Anguish will be strong on Earth as a result of the signs of the earthly power of the Antichrist. Our Lord tells us that the Most Holy Sorrow has come, which is the sorrow of Our Lord over the betrayal of His own. We feel this pain of Our Lord and His call to pray the Holy Rosary, the Creed, and the Holy Trisagion, not only this day, but every day, making reparation and offerings.

Brothers and sisters, it is God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, Who goes ahead of events and our suffering and asks us to remain firm in faith, determined, strong. And like Our Blessed Mother, let us pray and act in the Will of God. Prayer must be enduring, not just for one day.

O God, Who looks upon us with Eyes of mercy,
Hear us, who crying out to You,
love and adore You above everything and above everyone.
May You be worshipped forever, O Lord.



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Period of the Anti-Christ, The Return of Satan's Influence.