Luz – This Generation is in Grave Danger

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on November 28th, 2022:

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, be filled with the blessings of the Most Holy Trinity and of our Queen and Mother. I am sent by the Most Holy Trinity. At the beginning of the season of Advent, I come to remind you of the duty of each one of you to live in peace of heart, the duty to carry the Divine Light within each one of you, and to be light for your brothers and sisters.

People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the children of the King must prepare to live Advent by repenting of sins committed, while maintaining faith, hope, and charity.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, light the first candle of this Advent in every church, in every home, in every heart, knowing that our King and Lord Jesus Christ is the light of the world [1]Jn. 8:12, and that this light will keep burning forever and ever.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you continue to cling to material things, unaware that what is material will soon be a memory, due to the imposition of what will be called a new currency.[2]Read about the fall of the economy… Humanity’s reaction will be to weep at the loss of control over material things. The human race will be subjugated.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, when I see paganism in the midst of humanity, I see humanity’s self-hatred in allowing itself to continue to live in the shadows. This is the time for humanity to cast away debauchery and to accept being ever closer to the Most Holy Trinity and our Queen and Mother of the End Times. Convert now! [3]Mk. 1:14-15 You must not wait. It is urgent for the children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ to begin the path of conversion and to strengthen their faith. This generation is dominated by earthly power.  The Evil One has set out to destroy the family and to make the human race scorn our Queen and Mother. This generation is in grave danger from the great volcanoes around the world that are awakening one after the other.

Pray, children of God, pray for Japan: it will suffer due to nature and its neighbors*.

Pray, children of God, pray: suffering is coming to Brazil.

Pray, children of God, pray for San Francisco: it will suffer due to nature.

Pray, children of God, pray for Chile, Sumatra, Australia: they will be shaken by the forces of nature.

People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, continue to till the spiritual soil, increasing faith, hope, and charity. Be love, and you will receive “all other things as well”. [4]Mt 6:33 Humanity is being purified; it is necessary, through purification, for divine love to reign in every heart.

I bless you with my sword held high.


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

*Translator’s note: could also be translated “fellow men”.

Commentary by Luz de María

St. Michael the Archangel calls us at the beginning of the Advent season to keep being love so that we may share it with our brothers and sisters. We need love to give the fruits of faith, hope, and charity, represented in the candle that we light as a sign that the divine light will never be extinguished in the world.

We have a call to cast off debauchery and to live in conversion, because being spiritual should lead us to live closer to the Lord. The changes that we will continue to experience will confront us with how hard it is to live in materialism and then suddenly have nothing to count on. What will man do? At this time, we are facing a very serious decline in spirituality, so much so that division is the worst enemy in all areas of society, and all the more so within the Church.

Brothers and sisters, let us be love, and the rest will follow [5]cf. Mt 6:24-34.



1 Jn. 8:12
2 Read about the fall of the economy…
3 Mk. 1:14-15
4 Mt 6:33
5 cf. Mt 6:24-34
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.