Luz – Three Diseases Will Occur at the Same Time

Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 22, 2024:

My beloved children, I love you; I love you all, and I wait for you in order to guide you to My Divine Son. 

Beloved children, I beg you to prepare yourselves with what is necessary for you to face the events already advanced by those who possess power with misused science. The advancement of the disease[1]About diseases, read… increases with force, since it has been spread in several countries. 

I alerted you of a rapidly contagious variant of leprosy in my call of 4.23.2024[2]Message of 4.23.2024, and on 5.20.2024[3]Message of 5.20.2024, I alerted you of a disease caused by the mutation of a previous one, and you did not take it into account. On 3.27.2023[4]Message of 3.27.2023 and 5.28.2024[5]Message of 05.28.2024, my beloved St. Michael the Archangel warned you that this disease was already on Earth, and you did not take it into account. This virus is painful because of the rashes on the skin, which become infected and thus reproduce in the body. You already know the plants necessary to fight the disease, provided that the disease is discovered and combated quickly.  

Little children, not all organisms are the same, nor do they respond in the same way, so be on alert, and at the slightest sign, use calendula, the fumitory plant, St. Michael’s Oil, Good Samaritan Oil, and moringa. (2) 

Beloved children, other viruses are approaching mankind and restricting you from moving from one place to another. Rats are the cause of another severe disease spreading in several countries, due to the carelessness of human creatures. 
Three diseases will occur at the same time: the virus of the previous pandemic that breaks out again…the leprosy variant…and the disease transmitted by rats… This, coupled with the state of alert in the midst of the very imminent World War III, leads all mankind to be on alert. 

First, grow spiritually, take seriously the path to my Divine Son, and be obedient to the requests of the Paternal Home that calls you to save your soul. 

Children, you wish to continue in the fight towards Truth, towards remaining united to my Divine Son, so then explore knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Know the Holy Scriptures! (cf. Acts 17:11) 

You need to be attentive to the reactions of nature because earthquakes are becoming more frequent and their intensity is increasing, also causing the core of the Earth to shake strongly. Little children, the Earth has weakened; water is advancing over it, creating more sea and less land. 

An object from space approaches the Earth, grazing the atmosphere from afar, causing a strong movement in the tectonic faults and great devastation. Little children, this Mother loves you, and as far as the Holy Trinity allows Me, I announce events to you. 

Pray my children, pray. This time of the year is dangerous. Events are happening that you did not expect because you consider them more distant. But faced with humanity so dehumanized, Godless, and evil-loving, you are going to taste a bitter chalice. 

Pray, My children, pray. Come to my Immaculate Heart. Enter into my Heart, where I will instruct you in the way of faith, in the way of humility, in the way of hope, in the way of charity. He who possesses humility possesses a great treasure. Children, the haughty minds and hearts will suffer more when facing trials. 

The powerful of great nations will not wait. They will enter into wrath, and what has been postponed will happen: the Third World War. 

Beloved of my Divine Son, the Holy Spirit is within every human creature (cf. 1 Cor. 6:19-20), indicating to them the best path. The blessing you receive from the Holy Spirit is infinite, therefore, maintain your efforts to stay on the path of goodness, rejecting evil. 

You are beloved of the Holy Trinity, you are beloved of mine, of your Mother, and you are protected by St. Michael the Archangel. I ask you for one more thing. Receive my motherly love, I love you, I bless you. 

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, let us pray in fraternity, sending up prayers for our brothers and sisters and for those who have caused us harm. In this call of St. Michael the Archangel, he made me feel the need to examine one’s heart, and above all, one’s conscience. He allowed me to feel that there is a special urgency to this call, an urgency in the face of an imminent danger that will occur on earth. The specter of war has ceased being a specter, becoming a reality that no one wants, but which arrives without being called for. It is human folly that continues to be relentless in its desire to win.

Brothers and sisters, we must be more like God, more like Our Blessed Mother. Let us remember that where evil exists, grace abounds. Let us receive that abundant grace so that it may be a source of growth for our souls and for all our brothers and sisters. United in prayer and fraternity, amen.

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, World War III.