Luz – You Must Decide Who You Are…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 6, 2024:

Beloved children, you are the treasure of My Heart. My beloved, I bless you, I give you My Love so that you may fulfill My Law, the Beatitudes, without forgetting the sacraments. My law is my law, and not a word is changed, not a single word can be touched (cf. Dt. 4:2; Mt. 5:17-20; Rev. 22:18-19).  My Divine Love is deep. It is Divine for every human creature; this is why I summon you with My Love to fulfill My Word. Because demons are on earth, you must decide who you are;  you cannot be lukewarm (cf. Rev. 3:15-16).

Each one of you is a child of the living and true God. You have walked through stumbling blocks, but this moment is decisive and you must discern, because the devil will work and act in disguise, trying to imitate Me, deceiving many (Rev. 13). You must discern your steps so that they do not lead you to perdition. Humanity faces new developments that do not come from Me, but from evil.

 Beloved children, pain has come to mankind, physical and spiritual pain in the face of the onslaught of the Third World War. This war will be stopped by me with the even prophesied by Divine Will  [1]Read about The Warning… . You will suffer other minor events before then, but they will not stop the hardness of the human heart. .

Beloved children, water continues to be a scourge for humanity; it arrives suddenly, causing cities and countries to look like raging oceans. Human beings continue on, unconcerned about the pain of their brothers. But each country will undergo its own suffering. They watch the war from afar without feeling pain for those who suffer, without thinking that the effects of the war will touch all of mankind, in one way or another. They have mocked my calls, the calls of My Mother, and the calls of my beloved Saint Michael the Archangel. Children, laughter will be wiped from My children’s faces when several countries become involved in this human folly of war, and humanity hangs by a thread. You do not convert, children. You do not convert. You are fools!

Pray children, pray, pray; the water and the wind are transformed into a sea monster.

Pray My children, pray for the country of the eagle; it suffers through nature; water and wind arrive.

Florida is suffering, again; pray, My children, pray; convert, convert, prepare urgently.

Pray, My children; pray for Mexico; nature takes it.

Pray My children; continue to pray for Europe; it suffers strongly from nature.

Pray, My children, pray for Argentina; the temperature is rising sharply; the fire is rising.

Little children, I call you to prepare yourselves … quickly, prepare yourselves, be converted!  Pray, receive Me, having properly confessed. You are facing serious events, as you know. Diseases are accelerating. Get ready, children, get ready. Pray! I love you, and I bless you.

Your Jesus

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Lord calls us to reflect seriously on the spiritual state of each one of us. He warns us of grave events that are upon humanity. Our Lord warns us of a hurricane that will be like a monster and will bring suffering and pain. Let us pray, brothers and sisters, and unite in prayer for humanity, without forgetting our brothers and sisters who suffer from wars around the world. Let us pray for the children and youth, for the elderly, and those who will have a sudden death.

Brothers and sisters, let us pray. Argentina will be oppressively hot; the fire is rising, the war is intensifying. Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother remain with us.

Our strength comes from God, “who made Heaven and Earth.”

Our help comes from God, “who made Heaven and Earth.”

Adored be Our Lord now and forever, forever and ever.



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.