Luz – You Must Grow Spiritually Strong…

Message of St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on November 12, 2024:

Beloved of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, receive the blessings of the Father’s House.

Beloved children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity and Our Queen And Mother send me to bring you words of eternal life.

Adore Our King and Lord Jesus Christ! This is the hour, and not another… This is the hour for each one of you to adore Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: “worship him in spirit and truth”… (cf. Jn. 4:23-24). Review your life and repent of all that you have done in disobedience to the Divine Law. Repent of your improper acts (cf. I Jn. 1:9; Acts 3:19-20), of your disobedience to the commands given to you by Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Queen and Mother. Walk on the right path (cf. Prov. 4:26). It is important for you to prepare not only to face what humanity will undergo, but also to prepare spiritually. Be worthy of the help of my heavenly legions and of receiving the one sent by God; the one who remains unseen up until now—until we, your companions on the journey [angels], deliver him into safe hands.

You have eyes and do not see! Disasters that have been foretold in the past are taking place, and you ignore them. Humankind will continue to suffer because that self-same humankind uses technology to affect its own brothers and sisters. At the same time, the aforementioned elements will continue… Our Queen and Mother sheds tears because of this.

Children of the Most High, you must learn to be more of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ than of your desires or pleasures. Mankind will witness great human pain in the face of the significant crisis they are already undergoing, and which will get worse.

Children of Our Queen and Mother, you must grow spiritually strong so that in tough times of decision (cf. I Cor. 16:13), you will not enter the military with the Antichrist.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. These countries are going to suffer heavily: Germany, Belgium, Cuba, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. The disease is already here. It is excessively contagious; it will have multiple mutations.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. Diseases coming out of the laboratory are spreading rapidly; these men of science should stop their laboratory testing on animals.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray strongly for Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Florida. Pray for Europe.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. Tectonic plates will move, and you will suffer; you will be shaken with force. Earthquakes of great intensity will occur.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, remain vigilant. The hemorrhagic fever from dengue is spreading on Earth. Pray and prepare!

Children of our Queen and Mother, the Earth is threatened by a celestial body. These are times of prayer and reparation!

Be alert, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: convert! It is urgent that mankind dedicate itself to conversion.

My heavenly armies continuously protect you. Be grateful for this protection by adoring the Holy Trinity continuously. May your works and acts be all in the Divine Will, not in the human one. Stay attentive to all that is happening; be cautious. I bless you.

Who is like God? No one like God!

St. Michael the Archangel


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters:

St. Michael the Archangel shows us the situation that is occurring on Earth. He confronts us with ourselves, with our works and actions, in order for us to meditate on them and decide to change. We have been warned of what is coming for this generation….and we do not believe, we do not hear, we do not see.

Brothers and sisters, in the message of October 6 of this year, we were warned about the demons that are on Earth, and we were told: “You cannot be lukewarm.” Physical and spiritual pain came to mankind. Water continues to be a scourge for humanity, and it arrives suddenly, causing cities and countries to look like raging oceans; water and wind are transformed into a sea monster. Let us continue to pray for Europe.

We see what happened in Florida, which was not of the magnitude that was expected. This was due to prayer, brethren! Now Spain is experiencing this terrible emergency in Valencia, and it continued in another city. Brothers and sisters, we are not warned so that there may be fear, but so that we may prepare.

To God be the honor, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Blessed be our Holy Mother. St. Michael the Archangel, protect us from evil and lead us to the Immaculate Heart of our Queen and Mother.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.