Luz – You Take What You Can Reach Without Effort…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on March 5, 2025:

Beloved children of My Sacred Heart, you are My treasure and I love you all. This generation is continually moving away from Me. Even so, I love you, and My divine mercy is poured out on all humanity; I do not want anyone to be lost. My Sorrowful Passion is continually before each one of you; look at Me crucified and glorious out of divine love for each one of you. You continue wanting to keep Me crucified, not acknowledging that I gave Myself for love and that the Cross is My greatest proof of it. (cf. I Pet. 2:24; cf. Phil. 2:5-11; Rom. 5:8-11)

I want each one of My children to be more merciful, more fraternal, more spiritual. Enter into My love during this special Lent, when you will be witnesses of the hardness within human hearts. Humanity continues to be indifferent to what is happening, out of foolishness, refusing to see the continuous danger to which it is being subjected. You work and act contrary to My Will, rebelling against Me. Humanity continually surrenders to evil, which controls it like a magnet that is difficult to resist.

The determination to refuse to know Me, the constant failure to delve into the breadth of My love and the depth of My mercy (cf. Eph. 3:16-19) limits you to the immediacy of worldly things. You take what you can reach without effort, being accustomed to minimal effort. Such works and actions by humanity are bringing it closer to the Antichrist [1]Booklet about the Antichrist for download:, who will receive you for a few coins, as I was handed over. You need to wake up spiritually! Be creatures of unbreakable faith [2]About faith:; maintain permanent prayer, speak to Me, I listen to you, I am to be found in each one of you.

 Children; pray so that you would not fall when faced with the unexpected.

 Children, pray; the hearts of the majority of humanity remain hardened. That is why they do not believe in Me.

 Children, pray, come to Me; I await you as when a father awaits His lost child and this child returns.

Beloved children, live in order to give, to be love; live in My likeness; live by My Side; nourish yourselves with My love; Be My love (cf. I Cor. 13:4-13).

Children, I bless you.

Your Jesus


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our Lord exhorts us to love Him, and He explained to me that we must understand the goodness that causes us to reflect on divine love. If we act and work as Our Lord Jesus Christ asks us, everything changes in us. We will be better brothers and sisters, better people, better children of God, since the one in whom love takes root, gives love, which is what he knows. During this Lent we must learn to put aside what the “ego” wants and which is inappropriate for us, reflecting on the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “You are My treasure and I love you all.” Let us remember that we are called to grow spiritually in order to overcome whatever presents itself to us in our lives. We have been given everything needed to ascend spiritually: let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us and let us allow Him to mold us for our good.



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.