Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc to Manuela Strack on December 17, 2024:
I see St Michael the Archangel floating over the globe and making a sign of the cross over America and a sign of the cross over Russia with his sword. Then the Archangel says:
“Pray hard, pray for peace! The Lord instructed His apostles to intercede for the authorities, to pray for the powerful. Read this in the Holy Scripture! You know that God’s Word is valid forever. God’s Word is alive, just as He Himself is alive! I am the warrior of the Precious Blood of Christ!”
Now I look at his princely crown. A ruby shines on the front of his crown. St Michael the Archangel continues speaking to us:
“The King of Mercy would like to wash your clothes in His Precious Blood. The spirit of the times (Zeitgeist) wears the clothes of the old Adam. Do not look at the spirit of the times, look at the Lord, the King of Mercy, Jesus Christ. He is your salvation. Many people follow their own commandments, which they themselves have created, and there will come the one who will promise you paradise on earth [the Antichrist]. Do not follow his words! He will come in your time.”
Now I see the little ball of light opening up, and Saint Joan of Arc comes to us out of this wonderful light. She is wearing golden armor and in her hand a flag with three golden lilies on it and the blue inscription “Jesus” and “Mary.” She says to us:
“Beloved of the King of Mercy! Remain steadfast and faithful in the love of the Lord. Do not be afraid! The Lord is with you! Pray very much so that the Holy Spirit may blow in you and in your families. Wives, respect your husbands; men, respect your wives. Wives and husbands, respect your children! Allow the King of Mercy to dwell in your families. Be devoted to one another in love. What could be more beautiful than to let the King of Mercy dwell in your hearts, in your families? Become places of holiness! Pray much and read the Holy Scriptures! The Lord will adorn your souls with the gold of Heaven – with His grace. He who brings confusion [der Verwirrer – the devil] wants to rob families of holiness; he wants to rob you of your [status as] God’s children. Do not let this dignity be taken away from you. Families are sacred to God and He loves them infinitely! Do not let your Christian values and your hearts be twisted! Ask much for peace! Pray for those who do not, because only in this way can holiness, the Holy Spirit, flow through your country. Do not look at those who have been led into error, pray for them! Error will only last for a short time, remember this! Honor what is willed by God, good and holy, and do not be ashamed of it. Have courage, beloved of the Cross.”
Apparition of St. Charbel to Manuela Strack on December 22, 2024:
“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Amen. Have you prepared your heart for the Lord, for your Jesus? I dedicated my life to Him. The West has not recognized/acknowledged Jesus. You have studied Him theologically, but you have not recognized/acknowledged Him. Your churches are filled with the spirit of the times (Zeitgeist). Yet people’s souls seek the Holy Spirit, seek to encounter God. What are your pastors doing? Where is [their] confession of faith? Are you afraid like Peter? Will not Moses from the Old Testament and John the Baptist from the New Testament be witnesses against the Church of the spirit of the times? Will not the Holy Scripture be a witness against you? The Holy Scripture is the Word of God for eternity. If the Holy Scripture speaks for you [in your favor], God speaks for you! If it speaks against you… [Saint Charbel bows his head] …how then will you be judged? Fall on your knees and ask for mercy! Ask for God’s mercy, for you will be weighed according to the souls you lead astray. God loves man, but hates sin because it disfigures man. Sin gives birth to disaster, to wars! Therefore, pray fervently in reparation before the Eternal Father. Ask for the friendship of your Lord Jesus, my Jesus, who sent me to you. Pray for misguided souls, for you must not reject them with your words, but should ask for mercy for them. This is what Heaven wants! But do not accept any false commandment, any false teaching. Do not let yourselves be led astray. Remain faithful to Jesus and Mary! Times of confusion are coming for you. This is why the saints in Heaven are interceding for you, this is why Heaven is opening up here. Be strong in your faith! The Holy Spirit blows where He wills! No one can stop the wind of the Holy Spirit. Trust in the King of Mercy. Prepare your hearts for His coming! I will bless the sick with the priest.”